BWCA Stanton Bay EP - portage to the water (pics) Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Stanton Bay EP - portage to the water (pics)     
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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/18/2023 10:40PM  
I took several pics on the portage from the Stanton Bay parking lot to PIckerel Lake. Overall, a pretty easy, relatively flat 100 rod portage with a combination of boardwalk and trail with some rocky sections on each end thrown in for good measure.

The pic with the red canoe is just off the parking lot at the beginning of the portage. A short, rocky downhill to start the portage. Pretty flat until you get to the last 50-60 yards or so, then it's just stepping on (and over) rocks in the trail down to the water. Nice view of Stanton Bay and the waters of Pickerel Lake.

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07/19/2023 07:17AM  
I think that portage, with all of its "modern conveniences" is actually outside of the park boundary.

I was last there in July of 2020. The Pickerel end was a full on beach.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/19/2023 08:11AM  
Argo: "I think that portage, with all of its "modern conveniences" is actually outside of the park boundary."

If I remember correctly, there is a small sign about halfway through the portage that marks the park boundary.
07/19/2023 12:33PM  
Jackfish: "
Argo: "I think that portage, with all of its "modern conveniences" is actually outside of the park boundary."

If I remember correctly, there is a small sign about halfway through the portage that marks the park boundary."

Just so.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/26/2023 11:36AM  
The end isn't a beach, but a pretty easy end to a portage. Used it many times.
07/27/2023 09:17AM  
Thanks for the photos after the periodic threads discussing this portage.
07/27/2023 07:34PM  
Ahhhhh….. memories
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2023 08:43AM  
Thank you!
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 02:02PM  
Great info. How was the road when you were there? I would still love to enter this way at some point, but am very leary of taking my car.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/24/2024 12:42PM  
Rick, unless you’re a resident of Canada, you cannot park there overnight. It’s best to take a shuttle in from one of the outfitters. The road is, indeed, rough, and you could do it in a car, but it’s probably best to have a pickup or SUV to go in.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 01:06PM  
yes i am a canadian.
i have a mitsubish outlander. i am sure the vehicle would go through just about anything if i chose to, but i have no idea if this road is wide enough to avoid scratching the heck out of it from over hanging trees etc. or it is the size of a typical two lane road.
i am also concerned about how "rough" it is. these vehicles come with no spare tire. so i would be leery of travelling that far off the highway without a spare.
road conditions can be subjective. to some people any gravel road (even if well maintained) is considered a rough road.
while other rough roads (i have been on a few) might be so bad you have to crawl along at 5km/hr going over tree roots, large rocks, and deep pot holes etc.
we are looking at doing a shuttle but as you know that can get quite expensive seeing as we need to stay over night in order to be able to use their shuttle.
just trying to decide if the cost is worth avoiding any possible major damage to the vehicle and/or getting stranded out there.
02/24/2024 04:19PM  
Your Outlander will be fine, and the road is in no way overgrown.

I'd even drive someone else's Prius to Stanton Bay. :-)
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 06:19PM  
02/25/2024 09:48AM  
I'm thinking about going in this way in the 2nd half of June. I need to track down an outfitter that is close to this entry, but that shouldn't be difficult. I'll report back after I go. Thanks for the pics, Jackfish. I saw photos from a group that went in 2014. There was a sandy beach that year at the put-in. It's interesting to see how that has all changed over time.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 10:20AM  
that would be awesome thx.
you can contact barry at camp quetico if you like. they are very close by the stanton bay road.
just remember, in case you were not aware, you must be a canadian citizen to leave your vehicle parked at the stanton bay entry.
if you were looking at using a shuttle service from an outfitter, you need to purchase some of their other services in order to do that. you cannot just buy the shuttle service. i am unsure what the minimum amount is that you would need to spent with them to be able to book a shuttle.
02/25/2024 10:42AM  
rick00001967: "that would be awesome thx.
you can contact barry at camp quetico if you like. they are very close by the stanton bay road.
just remember, in case you were not aware, you must be a canadian citizen to leave your vehicle parked at the stanton bay entry.
if you were looking at using a shuttle service from an outfitter, you need to purchase some of their other services in order to do that. you cannot just buy the shuttle service. i am unsure what the minimum amount is that you would need to spent with them to be able to book a shuttle."

I did it in a rented Hyundai Sonata with a canoe on top. You just have to drive slowly in some spots. Your car will be fine.
distinguished member (106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/28/2024 08:38PM  
Jackfish: "
Argo: "I think that portage, with all of its "modern conveniences" is actually outside of the park boundary."

If I remember correctly, there is a small sign about halfway through the portage that marks the park boundary."

You do remember correctly.

distinguished member (122)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 01:01PM  
rick00001967: "
if you were looking at using a shuttle service from an outfitter, you need to purchase some of their other services in order to do that. you cannot just buy the shuttle service. i am unsure what the minimum amount is that you would need to spent with them to be able to book a shuttle."

Curious what else folks might be able to share about outfitters and shuttles for Stanton Bay. We're thinking of going in at Stanton Bay on May 11 (ice allowing.) Considering coming out at Beaverhouse about a week later. We're American so we would need someone to drop us at Stanton while we somehow leave our vehicle at Beaverhouse? Not sure how it would work best.

Would an outfitter do that? I'd assumed so but your comment that "you cannot just buy the shuttle" has me wondering.

We will probably be looking for lodging the night before so perhaps an outfitter would put us up and that would count towards "minimum amount"?

Back in '15 we put in and took out at Stanton Bay using Doug Chapman of Canadian Quetico Outfitters. I don't recall that we bought any other services from him. But I wonder if he's still in business.

Appreciate any knowledge anyone has.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/29/2024 01:26PM  
desertcanoe: "Curious what else folks might be able to share about outfitters and shuttles for Stanton Bay. We're thinking of going in at Stanton Bay on May 11 (ice allowing.) Considering coming out at Beaverhouse about a week later. We're American so we would need someone to drop us at Stanton while we somehow leave our vehicle at Beaverhouse? Not sure how it would work best.

Would an outfitter do that? I'd assumed so but your comment that "you cannot just buy the shuttle" has me wondering.

We will probably be looking for lodging the night before so perhaps an outfitter would put us up and that would count towards "minimum amount"? "

I would suggest calling Indiaonta Resort or Seine River Lodge. Indiaonta is on Flanders Road just north of Hwy 11 where you would turn south to Beaverhouse so it's pretty close. Seine River Lodge is about 10 miles further east (toward Atikokan), but they have the advantage of having a little craft brewery called Quetico Brewing.

Since you are looking to stay overnight, I'm sure one of them would accomodate you and follow you into the Beaverhouse parking lot to drop your vehicle the night before you go in, then shuttle you to Stanton Bay in the morning. Of course, fees will be involved.

Report back with what you find out. I'm sure it will be helpful information for others looking to do something similar.
03/01/2024 09:31AM  
FYI, I called Indionta a couple years ago looking for overnight lodging and transport to Beaverhouse. They are completely out of the canoe support business.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2024 12:30PM  
desertcanoe: "
rick00001967: "
if you were looking at using a shuttle service from an outfitter, you need to purchase some of their other services in order to do that. you cannot just buy the shuttle service. i am unsure what the minimum amount is that you would need to spent with them to be able to book a shuttle."

Curious what else folks might be able to share about outfitters and shuttles for Stanton Bay. We're thinking of going in at Stanton Bay on May 11 (ice allowing.) Considering coming out at Beaverhouse about a week later. We're American so we would need someone to drop us at Stanton while we somehow leave our vehicle at Beaverhouse? Not sure how it would work best.

Would an outfitter do that? I'd assumed so but your comment that "you cannot just buy the shuttle" has me wondering.

We will probably be looking for lodging the night before so perhaps an outfitter would put us up and that would count towards "minimum amount"?

Back in '15 we put in and took out at Stanton Bay using Doug Chapman of Canadian Quetico Outfitters. I don't recall that we bought any other services from him. But I wonder if he's still in business.

Appreciate any knowledge anyone has. "

as far as i know doug is still around. he was one of my math teachers in high school. lol
you are correct that if you stay over night with an outfitter they can provide a shuttle service.
you might wanna consider dropping the car at stanton instead, continue with the shuttle to beaver, and exit at stanton where your car will be waiting.
03/01/2024 01:42PM  
My conversation with the Canoe Canada folks a couple of days ago clarified that I would need to rent a canoe with them and stay in their bunkhouse to get the shuttle service. It was explained to me that government rules would require them to obtain a taxi license to just do shuttles. Apparently that would add too much expense at their end with the cost of permits and insurance for a taxi service. It's a bit beyond me to expand further on those provincial rules. Maybe others can explain it better. Anyway that's what Canoe Canada told me :)
distinguished member (122)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2024 07:07PM  

"as far as i know doug is still around. he was one of my math teachers in high school. lol"

That's excellent. I got the impression he's got a lot of stories.
distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2024 07:19PM  
Branches Seine River Lodge has provided a couple shuttles for me to Stanton Bay, once from Beaverhouse in 2002, and once from Nym Lake in 2016. On both occasions I left my vehicle at those parking lots where they picked me up for the shuttle. There was never any talk about buying or renting extra stuff from them, they just asked about the when and the where and it was done. I have stayed at one of their cabins once and rented some canoe gear, but that was a completely separate trip.

distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2024 07:23AM  
mkdixon: "Branches Seine River Lodge has provided a couple shuttles for me to Stanton Bay, once from Beaverhouse in 2002, and once from Nym Lake in 2016. On both occasions I left my vehicle at those parking lots where they picked me up for the shuttle. There was never any talk about buying or renting extra stuff from them, they just asked about the when and the where and it was done. I have stayed at one of their cabins once and rented some canoe gear, but that was a completely separate trip.


How long ago was this? I can confirm multiple outfitters have told me they can no longer provide "shuttle only" services. something to do with either insurance or licensing. They can only do it if you are using other services (i.e. renting gear, a room, etc.).

I am unsure what the minimum spend is in order to qualify. It may be different for each outfitter. I believe one told me even if I rented one food barrel they could do it. I think someone wrote on here that other outfitters need much more.

If Seine River did it for you recently, perhaps their situation is different. I will be going there soon and can ask the owner directly.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2024 03:30PM  
desertcanoe: " "as far as i know doug is still around. he was one of my math teachers in high school. lol"

That's excellent. I got the impression he's got a lot of stories."

Doug is still in operation. I'm renting a canoe from him in June.

I've heard that he has stopped providing shuttle services. I think it had something to do with the cost of insurance to transport guests.

distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 11:34AM  
rick00001967: "
mkdixon: "Branches Seine River Lodge has provided a couple shuttles for me to Stanton Bay, once from Beaverhouse in 2002, and once from Nym Lake in 2016. On both occasions I left my vehicle at those parking lots where they picked me up for the shuttle. There was never any talk about buying or renting extra stuff from them, they just asked about the when and the where and it was done. I have stayed at one of their cabins once and rented some canoe gear, but that was a completely separate trip.


How long ago was this? I can confirm multiple outfitters have told me they can no longer provide "shuttle only" services. something to do with either insurance or licensing. They can only do it if you are using other services (i.e. renting gear, a room, etc.).

I am unsure what the minimum spend is in order to qualify. It may be different for each outfitter. I believe one told me even if I rented one food barrel they could do it. I think someone wrote on here that other outfitters need much more.

If Seine River did it for you recently, perhaps their situation is different. I will be going there soon and can ask the owner directly.

ok so i just got back from branches seine river lodge yesterday.

i can tell you that the owner has confirmed they can and will still provide shuttle services even if you do not purchase any other services from them just as mkdixon has posted.

this goes against what i have been told by other outfitters in the area. i cannot explain why.

the owner did also confirm as i thought that the road into stanton bay can be very bad depending on the time of year and the weather conditions. so pls take caution if driving in there. it is about an 8 mile walk to get back to the highway.

she also said they were working to improve their web site at the moment but i believe the 2024 pricing is up.
distinguished member (122)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 04:45PM  
Here's a quick report on shuttle services:

Quent at Branch's Seine River Lodge was excellent.

We stayed there the Friday night before we went in and had a great dinner and a tasty IPA.
Saturday morning Monica fixed us a breakfast to die for. Then we talked too long and drank too much coffee.
Then Abby managed our shuttle for the entry points. We drove to Beaverhouse with her, left our car, and she took us and our gear to Nym.
Total bill for one night's stay, breakfast for 2 and a shuttle was $272 American.
FYI we were there a week before Canadian fishing opener and they were just opening the lodge for the season. We were the only folks in a cabin. Anybody chasing ice out might have to look elsewhere.

And a few trip notes about water, etc.
Started May 11.
paddled from Nym down through Jesse and Elizabeth, then through Halliday to Sturgeon.
Got windbound shortly after coming on to Sturgeon and holed up on the island north of Blueberry Island. Wasn't going to mess around with high wind and waves at difficult angles to our travel, cold water, and no other people about.
With less time, we skipped Chatterton Falls and Cutty Creek.
Paddled Sturgeon and stayed on the awesome sand pointsho on the south re. Then north to Burntside and spent a sweet night on that marvelous lake.
Then SW from Burntside through Claire Creek to Claire to Bentpine and on around to Your.
Unlike last August, there was enough water in Trail Creek to make it from Trail Lake to Little Pine.
Then out through Badwater and the Badwater Portage to Quetico and Beaverhouse. Came out May 17.

Water levels seemed pretty good. We were on 3 small creeks and each was passable.
Portages had only a little deadfall, none of it too much of an issue to work around except for the #$%* portage from Claire to Bentpine. Deadfall in a thicket of young spruce and fir meant the canoe had to be squeezed through the trees tilted sideways. And then just barely.
Saw lots of fresh moose tracks, on almost every portage. Lots of wolf scat too.
Had a moose swim across the lake in front of our campsite on Your, then meander down the lakeshore.
On the moose-human score....saw 1 moose, 0 people. There were zero cars in the Nym lot and 4 in the Beaverhouse lot. So if you're looking for quiet...Quetico before Canadian fishing opener.

Anyway, Quent will shuttle and did really well by us. I don't think outfitting Quetico is their main business any more - I think more of their business may be in the cabin trade. But they were very helpful and friendly. I thought the price was reasonable. And Monica's breakfast - yum. We'll be back to Seine River Lodge.

Jackfish: "
desertcanoe: "Curious what else folks might be able to share about outfitters and shuttles for Stanton Bay. We're thinking of going in at Stanton Bay on May 11 (ice allowing.) Considering coming out at Beaverhouse about a week later. We're American so we would need someone to drop us at Stanton while we somehow leave our vehicle at Beaverhouse? Not sure how it would work best.

Would an outfitter do that? I'd assumed so but your comment that "you cannot just buy the shuttle" has me wondering.

We will probably be looking for lodging the night before so perhaps an outfitter would put us up and that would count towards "minimum amount"? "

I would suggest calling Indiaonta Resort or Seine River Lodge. Indiaonta is on Flanders Road just north of Hwy 11 where you would turn south to Beaverhouse so it's pretty close. Seine River Lodge is about 10 miles further east (toward Atikokan), but they have the advantage of having a little craft brewery called Quetico Brewing.

Since you are looking to stay overnight, I'm sure one of them would accomodate you and follow you into the Beaverhouse parking lot to drop your vehicle the night before you go in, then shuttle you to Stanton Bay in the morning. Of course, fees will be involved.

Report back with what you find out. I'm sure it will be helpful information for others looking to do something similar. "
05/28/2024 07:14PM  
Thanks for the info on Branch's - that looks like a really fine option. Have loved working with others, but I have all my gear, and I do like my beer!
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