BWCA Quetico campsite map Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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AK Mike
Guest Paddler
08/09/2023 02:15PM  
Does anyone know where I can find a good map that includes campsite locations in the Quetico? I use Gai GPS and they don't have a map layer that I know of and UI I haven't been able to find a hard copy map that includes them.

I am coming down from Alaska for my first Quetico trip after many BWCA trips all over 15 years ago.

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member (46)member
08/09/2023 02:52PM  
Use paddle planner to download the Quetico campsites into a gpx file and then import them to Gaia. works great.
Go to paddle planner downloads, gpx files, customize gpx file, select Quetico then set boundaries and mark the area that you are going to be at to download those campsites, click save. Then you can customize it by campsite ratings, tent pad filter and include the reviews and what symbols and icons you want. Finally just click on create gpx file.
Then just open gaia and click import and select the paddle planner file.
AK Mike
Guest Paddler
08/09/2023 03:27PM  
Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for.
member (46)member
08/09/2023 04:27PM  
Awesome. I am going Sept 1st for 10 days.
Have a nice trip.
member (46)member
08/10/2023 08:13AM  
You can also download Quetico portages to gaia.
Only problem is that the file contains over 1000 items, gaia only allows 1000.
So just use a to trim the file to under 1000 and then you are good to go.
AK Mike
Guest Paddler
08/11/2023 08:23PM  
Thanks. I did a fair amount of trimming. In your experience how accurate are the confirmed vs. unconfirmed sites on that map file? Is it worth deleting the points for all the unconfirmed sites?
member (46)member
08/13/2023 06:27PM  
First time for me In Quetico coming up on Sept 1st, so I don't know but I personally didn't download the unverified campsites. After doing some research I highly doubt that any of those sites are useable.
08/23/2023 11:15AM  
A lot of the unverified campsites do in fact exist - and many of them don't (or are barely usable). But they are a good source of places to look, I've camped at some great spots by checking out the unverified campsites which I've marked on my paper map the old fashioned way.

Also, every once in a while a "verified" campsite can have a error, usually somebody didn't get the location exactly right and the real campsite is one of the unverified sites in the same area.
08/23/2023 11:41AM  
I found a half-decent site on Oriana that isn't even listed as an unverified site. It's the small island in the corridor between the Quetico and Jesse portages before turning north to Oriana proper. It wouldn't be my first choice but it is clearly a site with a good takeout and a couple of tent pads.
member (46)member
08/23/2023 08:42PM  
thanks for the info, good to know.
08/24/2023 07:43AM  
Verifying what HoHo stated. Also there are sites not marked on any map that are great.

In addition be careful of campsite ratings…my 5 star might be your 2 star.

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