BWCA Crane Lake to Loon Lake with motor Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Crane Lake to Loon Lake with motor     
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Guest Paddler
08/22/2023 01:26PM  
Hello. I am planning a trip next week to loon lake from crane lake. I am looking for information on navigating the loon river. I have a 16’ Crestliner with 40hp outboard. I have been as far a Little Vermillion. I am wondering about water levels and if it’s possible to make it thru 56 rapids. Also any info on the river between 56 rapids and the portage.I know there will be some rocks along the way. I plan on bringing extra prop. Any input would be much appreciated. Thank You
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distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2023 02:31PM  
I would give Mark Anderson a call at Anderson's Canoe Outfitters. He runs that route daily and could give you the most updated info.

Good luck
Guest Paddler
08/24/2023 06:00PM  
Thank you
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