redbeardcanoeworks: "Does anyone know anything about the Wenonah K160? I recently acquired a very beat up boat. Can barely read the plate. Last to numbers are 86 do I assume that was its birth year.
Looks like a Kruger design, sort of like the Advantage but longer and even more tumble home.
Probably an early C-1 racer. "
Actually the 'J-Series' Marathon/Triathlon racing canoes were originally Gene Jensen designs. Since Gene's passing, Everett Crozier's redesigned of Gene Jensen's J-200 design, the J-203.
Since about the mid-1980's, Wenonah produced the 'sized' Jensen solo designs to better 'fit' individual paddlers, primarily by weight and size, much like Sawyer Canoes' Low Energy Requirement, (LER) design concept.
Through the years, Wenonah has tweaked the models and have offered numerous 'sizing' options, from the J-120 on up. Currently the J-193 and the J-203 are the only cataloged J-Series solo canoe being offered. The J-Series J-181/J-191/J-201/J-210 and so on have been retired.
I currently have not been able to locate the J-160 spec sheet among my collection of canoe catalogs and spec sheets, but I think you get the idea by the information I have included. Going by the Wenonah/Jensen naming conventions, the J-160 was design to accommodate paddlers up to 160-pounds.
Hans Solo