BWCA Route thoughts Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Route thoughts     



09/04/2023 06:07AM  
I have a Carp Lake permit coming up and have two routes in mind.

Keeping in mind that I have been up thru the S chain to Agnes/Kawa/Louisa area I am going to do a loop in that general area.

Permit is for 5 nights

1. PP- Man chain- Part of Falls chain ( head into Wet) - Mckewen chain- Louisa- PP

2. PP- Man chain- Falls chain- Kawanip- Kashawapiwi- PP

Solo (NS Magic)- Single portage- No fishing

Straight up travel see the sights type trip

Thoughts in advance?
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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/04/2023 06:11PM  
I've done both those routes. I think the McEwen Chain wins. Just a little more magical IMHO.
09/04/2023 08:16PM  
I feel like both those routes are pretty ambitious for 5 nights. Admittedly I'm now 63 but even in my late 40s early 50s that would have been a lot. Anyway, I'd agree with Bill Conner and opt for the McEwen Chain option, which also has the advantage of being shorter - although there are all those rugged portages between Glacier and Louisa. Fun route!
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/05/2023 05:51AM  
ho ho is right - a lot of hustle and long days to do it in 5 nights. I did it in 6, and it was ambitious for me at 63 or so. No weather delays. Iirc, about 72 miles?

(The route through Falls Chain and McEwen Chain is not subject to wind delay. Louisa was a little rough. I remember that when we reached Bailey Bay, there was an armada of canoes - at least 15 to 20 - three days worth of entries wind bound on Inlet Bay.)
09/05/2023 08:37AM  
A shorter option. Carp, Man Chain, Sagonagons, Saganaga and back though Ottertrack, Plough, Emerald to Carp.

Another would be to come back on Knife. There are few, if any campsites on the Canadian side of Knife. A solution to that would be to get a "From Canada" BWCA permit for your last day and then you can camp on the US side of Knife. There are lots of these permits available.

I think that you could do the Man Chain, McEwen, Louisa route in 5 nights. You would need to travel hard. If you have good weather at the start keep moving and get ahead on your itinerary. Wind would be the only reason not to travel. If you are windbound for a day and it eases up with a few hours of light, pack up and make some miles. Remember you can camp anywhere in Q, so a bivouac on a flat place is possible right before dark. A hammock would be ideal. Get early starts with no-cook breakfasts.

It would be a challenge, but if thats what you want. Go for it.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/05/2023 06:29PM  
Stats from a map program. It's not a leisurely 5 night trip.

Round trip starting and ending at Prairie Portage
Total Distance:
Total Time:
34 hours 13 minutes
Paddling Distance:
Paddling Time:
18 hours 44 minutes (3 mph)
Portaging Distance:
19mi (2024 rods X 3 trips)
Portaging Time:
9 hours 29 minutes (2 mph)
Loading/Unloading Time:
6 hours 0 minutes
09/05/2023 07:47PM  
Thanks for all of the great replies, I have chosen the Man-Falls-Mckewen Loop to do. I will let you folks know how it went when I get back.

A planning website seems pretty accurate with all the other trips I have used it for so I am pretty sure it will be close again.

Thanks again for the insight.
09/05/2023 09:23PM  
Have a great trip. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
09/07/2023 12:15AM  
Hey, we just went through there. Came out 8/31 after 10 days. (nine nights)
You can do the creek between That Man and No Man with just one pull over. Skip the portage.

Other than the log, it was mostly this. looked like the path fad been trimmed before over time,

We went from PP to carp the first day, stopped because the weather looked like it might rain. But did have time to get to That Man. It would have been a long day.

Stayed on the 4 star island site at the North end of That Man the next couple of days.

One day from there was the 4 star on Bell. More of a three star with a great view.

One more thing. We went from Carp to That Man through Sehridan and the second portage was pretty tough, You night want to try the other one out of Carp/
09/07/2023 12:15AM  
Akkk double post. I'll just edit in a photo instead. Like this typical portage in the Q

09/12/2023 08:09AM  
Just got back from a great trip and you can read it in the trip report section under "1st Solo"

Thanks again for the info heading into the trip.
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