BWCA Borrow 30L Blue Barrel? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Borrow 30L Blue Barrel?     
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09/05/2023 09:08AM  
I have a trip to the BWCA, leaving this Thursday. We are looking to get our hands on a 30L blue barrel with a backpack/harness. Our outfitter doesn't carry the 30L version. Does anyone have one I can rent? I would be willing, of course, to pay a rental fee.

Location: Minneapolis

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distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2023 04:48PM  
I don't have 30l blue barrel but I could let you use two bv500 bearvaults. They fit nicely into a rucksack.
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