BWCA Stuart River Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (21)member
09/12/2023 10:45AM  
Would going in the Stuart River EP the first week in October be a bad idea do to water level. Have never been to this EP but would assume with low water levels this would be a bad idea.
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09/13/2023 02:31PM  
Stuart is navigable most of the time. It's just a long portage from the parking lot. Did it in late Sept. 2022.
09/13/2023 02:37PM  
No telling what the water level will be in October, but my guess is you’ll have to pull your canoe through a few low areas as you approach the final portage into Stuart. Certainly doable with proper footwear.
member (21)member
09/13/2023 05:15PM  
Cool ?? i’ve driven past this entry point many of time I always wanted to try it maybe we will
09/13/2023 05:54PM  
We did Stuart EP July 31st. It's an easy walk nearly all down hill. Walk the whole may be tempted to put in at the creek but it's its not worth it. When we were there we had 2-3 beaver dams to get over but plenty of water between. The worst spot was 100 yards shy of the portage into Stuart Lake. Lots of deep mud. I can't imagine it's any better but I've not watched the rainfall recently. I've done Litle Indian Sioux River and Moose River North many times and I sort of felt like sizewise its somewhere between those two. It's a really nice river but I don't think I'll be using it to get any further than Stuart Iron or Boulder Bay of LLC in the future. The trip from Stuart to Iron is no joke!

Have fun!
member (21)member
09/17/2023 12:08PM  
Thanks my buddy and I are going to try it. Can’t wait
09/17/2023 11:00PM  

Plan on mud and wear good boots. It’s worth it. Nice, quiet entry.
Guest Paddler
09/18/2023 11:14AM  
Just got back from that entry point on Friday. There are two large beaver dams along the river that I think keep the water level pretty consistent. No real low spots other than what others have mentioned, the last 100 yds before the portage into Stuart is just below the second dam and is a bit shallow. As a group of 4 we made it from the east side of Iron to the parking lot in just under 5 and a half hours single portaging, I'd imagine Stuart is about 3 to 3 and a half.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/26/2023 05:04PM  
Disc12: "Just got back from that entry point on Friday. There are two large beaver dams along the river that I think keep the water level pretty consistent. No real low spots other than what others have mentioned, the last 100 yds before the portage into Stuart is just below the second dam and is a bit shallow. As a group of 4 we made it from the east side of Iron to the parking lot in just under 5 and a half hours single portaging, I'd imagine Stuart is about 3 to 3 and a half."

Was that your truck, iowa plates and neat canoe/ boat loft?
Guest Paddler
11/01/2023 04:47PM  
That was us. We had a small trailer previously, but seemed like we were fixing something on it every year and even damaged one of the Kevlar canoes so we finally found a big old boat trailer cheap w/ larger tires and built a sturdy rack out of wood that would hold up to 4 canoes well. Those small 10 inch 4 lug tires just don't do well on the interstate and rough roads. Happy w/ how this one turned out for about $400 all in and can carry a raft or john boat on the top rack too.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/01/2023 05:05PM  
Sweet. How was the fishing on Iron?
Guest Paddler
11/01/2023 05:30PM  
A little worse than normal, but still good. The Northern were really going, I think we caught six on smallies/walleye that we already had on. They're the best eating too, so hard to complain. Also caught a fishing pole in about 27 ft of water, that was a new one.
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