BWCA The mini-est of trip reports Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      The mini-est of trip reports     



10/03/2023 07:35PM  
Got a hall pass from the spouse, got the work front squared away and off I went on 9/27; out on 10/2. 5 nights, solo - me and dog Cerberus.

Entered through Prairie Portage, up Birch, Carp, Sheridan, No-Name, Magie, That Man, No Man, This Man, No Man, That Man, No-Name, Emerald, Carp, Birch, Polaris, Birch and home.

Good fishing, good weather, swimming, great scenery and some solitude.

Third trip to the Q this year, and that's a wrap for '23.
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10/04/2023 07:37AM  
Nice route! Glad you got a last trip in too.
10/04/2023 07:49AM  
You left out the part about your personal best bass!

Great report and nice route.

10/04/2023 08:21AM  
PB bass, then slightly bigger PB bass...also tied PB Walleye at 27".
10/18/2023 07:24PM  
sns: "PB bass, then slightly bigger PB bass...also tied PB Walleye at 27"."

Nice job, especially this late in the season!
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/09/2023 11:45AM  
sns: "Got a hall pass from the spouse, got the work front squared away and off I went on 9/27; out on 10/2. 5 nights, solo - me and dog Cerberus.

Entered through Prairie Portage, up Birch, Carp, Sheridan, No-Name, Magie, That Man, No Man, This Man, No Man, That Man, No-Name, Emerald, Carp, Birch, Polaris, Birch and home.

Good fishing, good weather, swimming, great scenery and some solitude.

Third trip to the Q this year, and that's a wrap for '23."

I’m curious how the route from Sheridan, No Name, Magie, That Man went. Any details you care to share here? I plan to be on the Man Chain next year for the first time. Always nice to know about options in the surrounding area!
12/10/2023 04:47PM  
We did a northward route last summer. We went from Sheridan to That Man portage. Not too bad. a little longish and the one slippery rock. Trail was clear and pretty easy walk. The beginning of the portage on Sheridan was not easy to find. It's well before the end of the cove and not a big landing. It was the first major portage of our trip and food packs were full. So it was time consuming and for us with the triple portage.
I don't see any marked portages on the route from Sheridan through Noname to Magie. I would think it's a bushwhack at best.
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