BWCA Gabbro Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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Guest Paddler
11/02/2023 03:41AM  

Made the long drive from St Paul to entry 33(Little Gabbro).
My wife, her boyfriend and his 4 kids were all tired and a bit cranky with the early wake up. Made it to the entry and double portaged the gear- it’s quite a long trail with some ups/downs.

Little Gabbro is a pretty lake, but we paddled through and into Gabbro itself in no time. With my broken ankle, landing the canoe was a chore to say the least. My wife’s boyfriend’s kids were really no help in unloading the canoe/setting up camp.

We settled in and made our first meal- hot dogs with no buns(got wet) and raw cabbage. I didn’t want to complain, as my wife’s BF’s daughter is pregnant and not exactly a ‘chef’! I would have used more ketchup!!

Had some rain overnight, but we all stayed mostly dry in the tent. Tried some fishing from shore but no luck. I heard Gabbro holds nice pike/walleye, but we couldn’t scare one up.

Second night we woke up to a pretty good sized fire raging. Apparently, one of the kids(not mine) was goofing around with a lighter and some gun powder I had packed and had 2 of our 4 Duluth packs ablaze. I was able to extinguish the fire and thankfully get back to sleep!

Third day- finally hooked up! My wife’s boyfriends youngest, Nigel, landed a dandy walleye right from the camp. It measured 29”- a brute. We didn’t keep the fish for a meal, but Nigel was happy to play with it along the shore for an hour or so. The joy he displayed was worth all the effort. Sadly, the fish was unable to swim after release and was just floating around most of the day.

Last day! Woke up to sunny skies and cool weather.
My wife slept in my tent and I was glad cause it was getting chilly! After a quick breakfast of cold hot dogs and iceberg lettuce, we packed up camp and headed for the exit. My wife’s boyfriend’s youngest(Pierre) was exploring the forest behind camp and found what we think is a human foot. Native American? Not sure, but he was definitely excited with the lucky find. Probably gonna list it on EBay- who knows?!!!

Made the long drive back to St Paul just to discover our home had been broken into and our dog had passed away. Such is life. Definitely headed back up to BWCAWQ next fall!


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distinguished member (152)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/02/2023 08:16AM  
You should go to bed.
11/02/2023 10:26AM  
While this is obviously a troll report, I got a few chuckles. Share a real one next time!
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/02/2023 08:47PM  
That's funny, because the exact same thing happened to me with your wife on Little Gabbro.
11/03/2023 05:46PM  
As the boyfriend of fishingfool's wife, I found your behavior appalling. How dare you sleep with your wife. I'm glad the trip is over.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/03/2023 06:52PM  
Okay I find this all quite humorous actually.
I was camping on one of the north sites on Gabbro last weekend and I didn’t appreciate the fireworks all night. Next time at least invite me over to your party. Your wife reminds me a bit of Betty Davis though.
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