BWCA Trip Report - water and ice and no bugs Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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11/05/2023 09:10PM  
New Trip Report posted by ebroha

Trip Name: water and ice and no bugs.

Entry Point: 27

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distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/05/2023 09:25PM  
Good report! You are braving than I am...that ice is something else. Cool to see the pic of the fish and I'm also curious what kind they were. Glad your trip went well. Thanks for sharing!
distinguished member (113)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/06/2023 07:32AM  
Great way to end paddling season!!
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/06/2023 11:47AM  
Fabulous report and thanks for sharing.

"Sam quickly pointed out that either all ice or no ice was better than the messy mix and he got his wish on a long smooth crossing of the second half of Jitterbug. At this point I was kicking myself for not bringing ice skates while wondering if tying small rocks to my boots would result in traction."

Watching from Duluth, I'm starting to wonder whether this might be another rare winter with amazing ice conditions in the BWCA.

Pretty sure I see at least one Penobscot in the photos. What's the other one?
distinguished member (206)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/06/2023 12:35PM  
The fish look to be Whitefish or Tullibee, which spawn around this time in the fall.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/06/2023 04:53PM  
Thank you for the fun and interesting trip report! I really can't imagine doing that, even in my prime, but your descriptions and photos gave me some idea what canoeing in November would be like up there. I'm glad you made it out safely and that you were kind enough to share your adventure! Thanks -

Guest Paddler
11/17/2023 11:50AM  
great write up. The pic of the guy standing on the ice/out of the canoe without a lifejacket gave me chills. If there was ever a situation that called for wearing a life jacket, I think that'd be it. cool pics and story tho
senior member (100)senior membersenior member
12/12/2023 08:46PM  
What a wild adventure!
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