I'm wondering about the campsite on the little island No. 534, which is towards the eastern side of Little Sag. Camped there at least 3 times, most recently around 2004 or so. There used to be a stump, which was a bit north of the fire grate that was carved into an owl.
Wondering if it is still there. Due to my age, I am sure I will never get back to Little Sag. Just wondering if my little owl buddy is still there. I did not carve it. It was there when I first visited that island, and every time thereafter. Thanks.
Checking the reviews of the site from relatively recent visits no one has mentioned it and there are no pictures of that part of the site, but without evidence to the contrary we can believe it is still there.
"Geography is just physics slowed down, with a couple of trees stuck in it." Terry Pratchett
Interesting about the carving on campsite No. 534 on Little Sag. I've been to Little Sag over 20 times and unfortunately never stopped at No. 534. I did however camp on campsite No. 814 on Little Sag and it used to have a carving of a fish head (pike) at the top of an old dead tree that used to be on the site. (I don't know if that carving is still there either). I'm wondering if it's the same carver.
Thanks for the replies. The first time I saw it was around 1998 or so, and it was pretty fresh at that time. Around 2004 or so, it had weathered somewhat. Haven't been back there since, unfortunately. I liked the site a lot. The long sloping granite into the lake was great for swimming.
Although the site is right out in the open, no one really paddles by. I've heard that it was not burned in the forest fire(s). Great times there in the past, and a lot of good memories.
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