BWCA Potentially needing a 4th for a Q trip this summer Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
      Potentially needing a 4th for a Q trip this summer     



member (27)member
12/04/2023 10:00AM  
We have a group of 4 men (ages 49-59) driving from MSP to Beaverhouse/Quetico late July early Aug 2024 for 10 days/9 nights on the water. We are a very fishing focused group. All of us have done prior trips into BWCA or Q. There is a real chance that our 4th person may have to back out, so would be interested in talking to people possibly interested in being our 4th person. I can provide more details during a 1 on 1 chat if you reach back to me.
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