BWCA Planning a mid-August Basswood Lake trip Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Planning a mid-August Basswood Lake trip     
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12/12/2023 09:41AM  
I am doing a mid-August trip to Basswood Lake. The group I'm going with has good success on pike and smallies, but never catches walleye. I want to catch me some walleyes. Can I get pointers on spots of the lake to target and types of bait?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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12/12/2023 02:11PM  
In the summertime, focus on mid-lake reefs. Fish around the edges in 8' - 15' of water. Low light mornings and evenings are best. Use a slip bobber and leech. Move around some to find feeding fish. Fish when there is at least a ripple on the surface and more. Flat, smooth water seems to turn off the feeding cycle. Fish will move shallower to feed and move to deeper, cooler water to relax.
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/13/2023 07:12AM  
What he said. Find a hump on a depth map and then try to get on it. There will be fish there. Drop an anchor and toss out a bobber and leech.
senior member (62)senior membersenior member
12/14/2023 05:27PM  
Walleye on Basswood are plentiful but fishing for them will be tough using canoes in August. Need depth finder and anchor for sure if you want to slip bobber. Paddle trolling with deep running hard baits (10-25 ft) off recognizable points might be easier. But Basswood is big water in may places and more suited for boats for August walleye hunting. That said, find a campsite where you can pitch your slip rig to 10 FOW in the evening and a few will certainly find you! Good luck.
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