BWCA Trip Report - 2023 Pine Lake solo adventure Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 2023 Pine Lake solo adventure     



member (8)member
12/13/2023 11:03AM  
New Trip Report posted by Kayaktom

Trip Name: 2023 Pine Lake solo adventure.

Entry Point: 68

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distinguished member (287)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/13/2023 11:37AM  
Nice. We base camped on site 735 in June 2021. We were going to go see Johnson Falls too. I made it about 50 yards up the so called trail to the falls and said "this is nuts". Turned around and went back to the canoe before the mosquitoes sucked me dry. The wind and waves kept us in camp for half the time that we were there.
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