BWCA Laker Lake face off: Daniels vs Little Trout Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Laker Lake face off: Daniels vs Little Trout     
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member (20)member
12/22/2023 05:11PM  
It's that time of year, to dream about spring lake trout fishing! I've had great luck through the Tuscarora - Gillis loop the past couple springs, but without my boys (6 and 9). I want to take them in this May to get on some lakers, but the Tuscarora/Gillis loop is probably too much for us to do given the portage lengths and the fact that they can't pack much weight. Looking at maybe Daniels or Ram EP. Both Daniels and Little Trout seem like great lakes for relative ease of access and quantity of eater-sized lake trout. Does anyone have a preference about those? Or other lakes I'm overlooking?
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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/22/2023 08:09PM  
Speaking strictly on ease of access...compared with getting to Daniels by EP, Little Trout is no gimme. Some very tough portages (by BWCA standards) regardless how you plan on getting there.

Personally I've had better luck fishing on Little Trout but, know Daniel's has produced well for others.
12/23/2023 09:15PM  
Little Trout would my choice of the two. Better fishing and less traffic. Daniels is busy with both overnight and day trippers that time of year.

member (20)member
12/24/2023 05:19PM  
Thanks for the replies -- appreciate the feedback!
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/12/2024 12:27AM  
On Little Trout, we caught lakers right from shore in five feet of water in late July last year. I wouldn't have believed it honestly. I've never fished Daniels, but I'll certainly be back to Little Trout. No doubt...
member (17)member
03/28/2024 01:42AM  
All the LT seem stunted in these lakes. Lack of Cisco's or something.
04/03/2024 08:07PM  
Leaflicker69: " All the LT seem stunted in these lakes. Lack of Cisco's or something. "

They are very slow growing there, in the case of Daniels a couple of decades back there was fish over 30 inches, but fishing pressure is too great and, in that lake, a 30-inch lake trout is like 30-40 years old there. Too precious to keep if you catch the big one.
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