BWCA Opener - Walleye Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Opener - Walleye     
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12/30/2023 08:27AM  
For quite a number of years now (10-15), i've been chasing Lake trout or Brook trout on opener and leaving Walleye until early June.

For those that target walleye on opener. Would you choose a lake or a river and why? Also, this would be up by Ely, so Ice likely just came off.
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distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2023 10:23AM  
I'd look for current coming into a lake. Target below a falls and focus on walleyes looking to spawn around opener (Mid-May). Spawned walleyes can still be around spawning areas... look for nearby mud flats with little, if any, current and warming water.
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