BWCA Gunflint Falling Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2023 10:54AM  
Carry Griffith (author of Gunflint Burning) has a new book out about the '99 blowdown. Looks like it'll be released January 30th. Found it for $21.30 at "thriftbooks" [pre-order].
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distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2024 06:11PM  
Received the book and have finished reading it. I'm sure anyone on this site is interested in the subject matter - the '99 blowdown. If you read Gunflint Burning, it's similar in terms of great detail about the S&R crews and efforts. There is quite a bit of redundancy and choppy format. The commentary at the end by Lee Frelich (U of M) is quite good.
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