BWCA Trip Report - Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023     

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01/01/2024 03:08PM  
New Trip Report posted by naturboy12

Trip Name: Snow Bay + Fat Lake- August 2023.

Entry Point: 14

My long overdue write-up of our August 2023 trip. Always good to bring back memories during these long winter months while we plan for what will be in 2024. Enjoy!

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distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2024 04:06PM  
Good read! Sounds like a great trip.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2024 05:18PM  
Nice trip report! Glad you and your son enjoyed the experience. I appreciated the beaver pond you found behind camp. Sounds like fishing went very well for you, except for Fat but at least you were able to spend the night at that sight - nice of the group to let you know of their plans. I've seen ants gather like that but I don't know what they are doing either.

Again, well-done report. Thanks for sharing!
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2024 02:42PM  
Great report, thanks for sharing!
01/02/2024 09:56PM  
Wow, great fishing! The ants are equally disturbing and mesmerizing. I wouldn’t like them at my site but I’m sure they are doing important work.Now, that lamprey…. Not a fan. Would those be considered an invasive species? Could u try that for bait?

Sounds like a really great trip despite the weather.

Looked up photos of ants with wings…. Can’t really see the body clearly of your ants, but kinda looks like a termite or carpenter ant.
There is a a bug person on this site, maybe they will see your trip report and settle the mystery.
01/02/2024 11:19PM  
Mocha: "Wow, great fishing! The ants are equally disturbing and mesmerizing. I wouldn’t like them at my site but I’m sure they are doing important work.Now, that lamprey…. Not a fan. Would those be considered an invasive species? Could u try that for bait?

Sounds like a really great trip despite the weather.

Looked up photos of ants with wings…. Can’t really see the body clearly of your ants, but kinda looks like a termite or carpenter ant.
There is a a bug person on this site, maybe they will see your trip report and settle the mystery."

I said ants in my report but I do really think they are breeding adult termites, referred to as swarmers or alates. They were everywhere, hundreds at a time and lots of smaller non-winged ones along with them. Many were dead in the water for long stretches of Loon Lake, so it was something of a regional phenomenon. It was disturbing, that’s a fair term.

The lamprey is native and found in many northern MN lakes. Just not common to have one end up in the canoe!
01/02/2024 11:26PM  
YetiJedi: "Nice trip report! I appreciated the beaver pond you found behind camp. “

The beaver’s work has been there so long that there is basically no wood left. Just a 5-6 foot high and 3-4 foot wide ring of dirt and mud all the way around that west end. It was pretty amazing to think about the generations of beavers that must have combined their life work to keep adding to it and creating a new and permanent body of water. The wildflowers, especially the spotted touch-me-not, were in great abundance!
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