BWCA Lower Basswood or Disappointment Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/16/2024 12:15PM  
Looking at my annual 3rd week of May trip with my 13 year old son. Will be his 5th trip. We have done the Knife/Vera area, the Little John/McFarland entries and area, as well as Brule into South Temperance (all had brook Trout lakes for day trips which is my favorite fish to catch). I would really like to get him onto to some good walleye, he loves to fish and loves eating fish. Looking for a change and considering EP23 and working into the Lower Basswod Falls area. I reviewed all the comments on the portages and though there are a few none seem that long or difficult. Thinking we can handle this trip. Also, looking at Snowbank into Disappointment, though it may be too busy for our liking (my liking). So, for any of you that know either area, would love your thoughts, or if you have another idea feel free to let me know, still open to a new route. Thanks and like you, I can't wait to get back up there.
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01/16/2024 12:38PM  
Based on your criteria - I'd consider heading up Moose River North to Boulder Bay or Tiger Bay LLC.

Out of your two choices...there is no Disappointment when talking about the lower basswood falls area.
01/17/2024 11:30AM  
Speckled: "Based on your criteria - I'd consider heading up Moose River North to Boulder Bay or Tiger Bay LLC.

Out of your two choices...there is no Disappointment when talking about the lower basswood falls area."

We caught a lot of fish taking the Moose River up to LLC. Camped on the island just west of Tiger Bay (it was full) and fished up into never Fail Bay.

Was a great trip. Wind can be a pain but fish early and you're most likely ok.

I think I know why they call it Never Fail bay now. LOL

LBF is crowded as well but I find once you get north of that it's a little better.
We fished up there around Thursday bay last August and smashed 'em just trolling around and seeing the sites. My favorite type of fishing up there. Kill two birds with one stone!
01/17/2024 02:20PM  
To really help give you guidance you should first name those Brook Trout lakes. Understanding those would really help me give you good advice.
senior member (93)senior membersenior member
01/17/2024 04:36PM  
Not sure how much time you will be there, but I agree that getting up to Crooked is a great idea if you want some Walleye. It's a big trip, but you can make Crooked on Day 1. My wife and have done that trip twice. Double portaging and not pushing hard it was about 9 hours to Thursday Bay if I recall.
On your way out, go south through the Fourtown area. All those lakes have decent Walleye fishing. There are some brookie lakes in the area, but might require some bushwacking to get to as there are no maintained or marked portages. This would be good for a 5+ day trip if you want some time to fish. There are a couple decent portages on the way out from Friday bay. One is about a mile long, but flat and easy outside of the length.

Camped on Disappointment once in the fall on a grouse focused trip so we didn't fish much, but the fishing matched the name. Just one pike (nice one though). I think I've seen a few people joking about that on here. Ahsub used to be stocked. In the late 90's we fished for a bit and landed 4 Brookies. They stopped stocking some years ago. I'm assuming some pike got in there and wiped out the trout. Due to it's low elevation in regards to neighboring lakes and the amount of traffic, it was vulnerable to contamination and I think the DNR decided it wasn't sustainable as a trout lake.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 09:37AM  
Speckled, thanks for the note and your insights, love the last sentence, nice job! I am going to take a look at what you suggested
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 09:39AM  
Bushman, thanks for the note, much appreciated, will look at what you noted.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 09:40AM  
Hmmm, you can check DNR stocking of BWCA lakes, specifically Brook Trout lakes
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 09:41AM  
Jakthund, that for the note and the info. I am used to bushwacking or unmaintained portages, harder to get into, sometimes makes the fishing better. I am going to look for those brookie lakes you mentioned and see what i cand find. Thanks again
senior member (93)senior membersenior member
01/18/2024 11:32AM  
ScottMacFish: "Jakthund, that for the note and the info. I am used to bushwacking or unmaintained portages, harder to get into, sometimes makes the fishing better. I am going to look for those brookie lakes you mentioned and see what i cand find. Thanks again"

Np just sent you an email with some additional info.
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