BWCA Trip Report - Pride Comes Before the Fall....And After it Turns Out! Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Pride Comes Before the Fall....And After it Turns Out!     



distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 07:35AM  
New Trip Report posted by TreeBear

Trip Name: Pride Comes Before the Fall....And After it Turns Out!.

Entry Point: 50

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distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/18/2024 09:42AM  
Nice short read. I too learned my lesson this past season about hurrying on portages with more than usual weight. Luckily you were close to an EP when it happened, we were in the middle of weeny lake pma when I twisted my ankle. 2 grueling days and 14 miles on a messed up ankle was no fun. Glad you were able to make it out safely!
01/18/2024 11:45AM  
Thank you for the very relatable and well told story. Pride is a strange thing sometimes. If I ever get to see that rock, I'll make sure to give it a little kick for you!
01/19/2024 02:10PM  
What a great read. TreeBear you definitely have a gift of telling stories. I think you were actually quite lucky that rock didn't do more damage to your knee cap.

Keep posting trip reports, thanks!
senior member (60)senior membersenior member
01/20/2024 10:20AM  
Either my memory has failed me or maybe I didn't pay enough attention that summer to hear your full story so this was a fun read for me. I do remember you taking a fall on a pointy rock from a solo trip and limping around for awhile.. I will say that I am impressed since the portages between Snipe, Missing Link, and Round are normally a decent challenge as they are..!
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2024 10:01PM  
Morchella: "Either my memory has failed me or maybe I didn't pay enough attention that summer to hear your full story so this was a fun read for me. I do remember you taking a fall on a pointy rock from a solo trip and limping around for awhile.. I will say that I am impressed since the portages between Snipe, Missing Link, and Round are normally a decent challenge as they are..!

Yeah, I was beat up a few times that summer. Haha. Wouldn't trade all the wilderness time away though! I'm currently going through all the trips from 2021-current and writing out trip reports for them, mostly so I don't forget them! If the writing is "good enough" then I share one here every now and again. Shaping up to be a trip-heavy summer which I'm really looking forward to.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2024 10:29PM  
Deeznuts: "Nice short read. I too learned my lesson this past season about hurrying on portages with more than usual weight. Luckily you were close to an EP when it happened, we were in the middle of weeny lake pma when I twisted my ankle. 2 grueling days and 14 miles on a messed up ankle was no fun. Glad you were able to make it out safely!"

Yikes! PMA are wonderful places, but a bum ankle is the wrong type of challenge.

I sprained mine on Rock of Ages Lake in a snowstorm. It was a long hike from there to get back to the Pow Wow trailhead, that's for sure!
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