BWCA Vern river from Homer lake Passible? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Vern river from Homer lake Passible?     
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member (5)member
01/20/2024 01:42AM  
Was wondering if the Vern river from the homer lake entry point is navigable to Weird lake? Or does one must navigate south from South Temperance?
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distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2024 07:54AM  
MajorMal: "Was wondering if the Vern river from the homer lake entry point is navigable to Weird lake? Or does one must navigate south from South Temperance?"

There are lots of past threads on this subject.

Thread One

Thread two

There is a search function for the message board where you can find past discussions on many topics.
member (5)member
01/20/2024 12:40PM  
I guess that's a no then. Thank you for the links. I'll use the search function next time. This was my first post here.

distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2024 01:29PM  
Welcome, Major Mal! Glad you joined. :)

Halfway through this video you can watch someone who does travel from Weird to Vern. He starts off thinking it'll take an hour, maybe an hour and a half which does not end up being the case!

Have fun planning!
01/20/2024 03:51PM  
YetiJedi: "Welcome, Major Mal! Glad you joined. :)

Halfway through this video you can watch someone who does travel from Weird to Vern. He starts off thinking it'll take an hour, maybe an hour and a half which does not end up being the case!

Have fun planning!"

I think Monty the dog got the better end of the deal. Loved it when the dog said, "Damn, what are you whining about?" You need to man-up if you are going to the BWCA!

distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2024 04:51PM  
quark2222: "
YetiJedi: "Welcome, Major Mal! Glad you joined. :)

Halfway through this video you can watch someone who does travel from Weird to Vern. He starts off thinking it'll take an hour, maybe an hour and a half which does not end up being the case!

Have fun planning!"

I think Monty the dog got the better end of the deal. Loved it when the dog said, "Damn, what are you whining about?" You need to man-up if you are going to the BWCA!


HAHA! And Monty seemed to enjoy staying in the canoe when he had to pull it through several tights spots, shallow water, over beaver dams, etc. Quite the adventure!
member (5)member
01/23/2024 12:45AM  
That was a great video. Being an old man, I don't think I'll be going down the Vern river.

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