BWCA Mid September back-up plan Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (23)member
01/21/2024 01:50PM  

Thanks for the info on my RFI on Moose River south solo. As it turns out, since that EP is every other day, I have a 50/50 chance of it NOT coinciding with my planned entry - I’m traveling from MD and need to stay on schedule.

So, I’m considering a return to Gabbro, despite being nearly skunked on my Sep solo there a couple years back after having just been there that June and crushing Turtle catching monster pike.

Aside from the permit scarcity, are there any updates to this region? I read a couple reports from TB and looked over the loop routes through Pietro, Turtle, Gull, and Clearwater, but wonder if they’ve recovered from the fires to a point where they’re still not exposed.

I tend to base camp and explore, which is what I did last time and Turtle was VERY productive in Jun, and dead in September.

Here’s my trophy from June.
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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/21/2024 06:35PM  
I've been through that loop twice since the fire and I enjoyed it both times. Fire mostly affected Pietro Candre and a bit on Clearwater. Can't speak to fishing.
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