BWCA Fire Damage pics? Roland, Wicksteed, Ted? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Fire Damage pics? Roland, Wicksteed, Ted?     
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distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2024 10:41AM  
Hope everyone is staying warm this winter while preparing for Spring canoe trips!

We are heading to "the Q" the 1st week of June, 2024, on a 10 day trip. Hoping to base camp on Wicksteed or the Northernmost Roland lake for the 1st few days then head to Ted for the 2nd half of our trip. We will day trip to the likes of Darkwater, Ballard, Little Darkwater, Brent, Earl, Argo, Cone, Elk, and Hurn. But planning a trip to our favorite lakes is nearly impossible due to the unknown extent of the fire damage and the fact that our group of 4 are hammock campers. Not concerned about the charred scenery as the fishing and solitude rank higher on our list. But...if we visit the message cache site on Ted, will we even have trees to support our hammocks?

If anyone has information (pictures ideally) on Ted, Wicksteed, and Upper Roland sites I would REALLY appreciate it.


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distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2024 06:40PM  
I look forward to hearing from others too. Ted was such a gem. I think it’s toast. I’m glad to hear you are still going there. I agree, a burned forest is just another stage of forest history. Eventually they all burn.
01/23/2024 09:00PM  
Here's a satellite image screen grab from mid-November.

Certainly mostly toasty.

Perhaps there's something left of the northern site?

distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2024 09:25PM  
That's about what I gleaned from Google Earth earlier today. Wish I could remember what that green peninsula on the southern shore look like. Might suffice for Base Camp. Probably need to make plans to journey there with contingency plans in the area.

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