BWCA Trip Distance, Little Indian Sioux to Fall Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Trip Distance, Little Indian Sioux to Fall Lake     
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Elm Glen Paddler
Guest Paddler
01/29/2024 06:31PM  
Has anyone done the loop from Fall Lake to Little Indian Sioux? How many days, roughly, did you give it?
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distinguished member (420)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/29/2024 07:21PM  
Never took the route, but according to the maps going Lac La Croix through Crooked lake is around 80 miles total including double portaging, 70 mile of that is canoe time. Time it will take really depends on how fast your travel. If you have the patience 10 miles a day is not hard travel, especially by water.. But you wouldn't have time for much else. My estimate would be six seven hour days to complete the route. Your mileage may vary.
01/29/2024 09:29PM  
Did it in reverse fall of 22. LIS to Loon then little lakes...Eugene, Beartrack,Finger, LLC. Iron, Crooked, BW river to finish. We did it in 9 days but had layovers on Finger and LLC so 7 travel days in 2 solos and some very windy and rainy weather.
senior member (56)senior membersenior member
01/29/2024 10:38PM  
I did that exact trip in 2020. It was 80 miles. We went from LIS right up to LLC night one. Then stayed on the east end of LLC night two. Then east end of Crooked for night 3. Then on Basswood for night 4. Took a layover day there on Basswood, then out Fall Lake on day 6. We had very favorable winds, but had to endure pissy, off and on rain the whole time. I highly recommendthe trip. We didn't spend enough time fishing, but my dad caught a huge Pike and we ate fish most nights.
Elm Glen Paddler
Guest Paddler
01/30/2024 06:59PM  
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I'm going to hit it up with my 13 year old son this summer as a rite of passage trip for him. I did a version of it (Mudro to LIS) back in the 90's when I was a young naive guide. great trip. Chainsaw sisters saloon was still at Mudro then.
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