BWCA Tackle box type Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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member (50)member
02/02/2024 11:02AM  
I will soon buy a new box. Thinking of Plano Stowaway or Flambeau Tuff Tainer.

I don't know if I should get the standard type or waterproof with the gasket and more latches. The latches look more durable on the waterproof models. Are they better? Do you like the waterproof feature?
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member (31)member
02/02/2024 11:23AM  
If you want something modular that really works well for getting your tackle organized, these below are really nice. They also have a water resistant seal.
I have a tuff tainer that I bought, but didn't use it long because one of the latches broke.

Bass Mafia Bait Coffin
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/03/2024 01:24PM  
Yes. Converted to the Plano waterproof flat box some years back and now 100% of my fishing gear is watertight/weatherproof allowing me to leave it all outside/under the canoe/under a tree overnight, etc. with no worries.
member (50)member
02/03/2024 08:35PM  
Thank you, some of my lures are too long for the Bass Mafia, and I have had water get inside my tacklebox in the rain. I think I'll buy the waterproof option.
member (49)member
02/04/2024 06:59PM  
Just remember if you have a water proof tackle box, that the moisture is trapped inside and the hooks will start to rust. You must remember to open the box after your trip so the inside can air dry.
02/04/2024 11:22PM  
I purchased a few of these prior to season last year. They're tough but yes, try to remember to open them up after your trip to avoid rust. Runcl on Amazon
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/06/2024 01:48PM  
Holehopper: " Just remember if you have a water proof tackle box, that the moisture is trapped inside and the hooks will start to rust. You must remember to open the box after your trip so the inside can air dry."

True that. Another post-trip standard operating procedure.
02/06/2024 05:12PM  
The waterproof boxes will float, even with some pretty heavy tackle in them, that's why I switched over.... after I dumped the canoe being a dummy.......I didn't lose a box luckily it caught on the bottom of the seat.
The plano boxes were the right price on Amazon when we got back.
Toss a silica pack in the box to keep stuff rust free.
senior member (92)senior membersenior member
02/08/2024 02:50PM  
The Plano Edge Flex series are waterproof, completely modular both horizontally and vertically and have a water wick inside to help prevent rust. Little expensive for a tackle tray but gives you a lot of flexibility.
3600 3700
02/08/2024 04:59PM  
ZaSquatch: "The waterproof boxes will float, even with some pretty heavy tackle in them, that's why I switched over.... after I dumped the canoe being a dummy.......I didn't lose a box luckily it caught on the bottom of the seat.
The plano boxes were the right price on Amazon when we got back.
Toss a silica pack in the box to keep stuff rust free."

I like that silica pack idea!
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/09/2024 12:27PM  
OgimaaBines: "I like that silica pack idea! "

I've always done this with my pocket camera. And now, with our iPhones for camera use - a small desiccant pack in a Pelican 1040 box is nice for two phones.
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