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02/09/2024 07:25AM  
Hi all,

Have a group of 6 heading up in July for our 10th annual trip to base camp and cast lots of lines. Looking for any insight into the area between little loon and pocket. Our goal is to base camp on Finger, any info on campsites in the area that comfortably fit 6 (mostly hammocks) and any advice on lakes to target for SMB and walleye is appreciated! Also any experience on the PMA/Bushwack south of Thumb?

Happy paddling,
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02/09/2024 07:51AM  
The large island site (south side) on Finger is very nice and there's good fishing on the lake. Smaller rock island just west of the big island is one area to focus for fish.

There's a pretty easy (as PMAs go) trail from Thumb to Contentment. I think the other lakes are a true bushwhack.
02/09/2024 07:56AM  
sns: "The large island site (south side) on Finger is very nice and there's good fishing on the lake. Smaller rock island just west of the big island is one area to focus for fish.

There's a pretty easy (as PMAs go) trail from Thumb to Contentment. I think the other lakes are a true bushwhack."

That’s the goal, hopefully the site is open, thanks for the info!
02/09/2024 09:21AM  
And FYI - we fished Contentment and caught many........15" pike.
02/09/2024 10:30AM  
The south side island site is can hang 20 hammocks there...good luck getting it. West end of island is fishy. So is long bay to north.....east shoreline from mouth of bay all the way up to north tip and the the flat in north tip. Campsite on west side of mouth of that bay is next best IMO....not the north one but the south one thats out on the main part of lake more. Its tight out front by lake but there is a clearing in woods behind least for tents. 6 hammocks might be tough. Decent fishing out front of camp too...the non island one.
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02/11/2024 09:33AM  
We did finger-pageant this past summer. Getting to contentment was pretty easy. Initially difficult to find the trail but if you stay on the right side of the creek you should be able to find it pretty easily. We had 3 or 4 large logs to crawl over, it's pretty much all up hill, and you will have to climb through a rock fall. If you are not experienced in bushwacking I would say avoid going past contentment. Brigand was extremely difficult as a lot of the footing is mushy and going around the swampy area isn't an option.

Pocket and finger were great SMB lakes. I'm sure there are walleye in both but we never got into them. That portage from little beartrack to thumb is a beast, take your time and enjoy the scenery. It's a gorgeous hike.
02/13/2024 11:20AM  
Great info, thank you! Will probably end up spending a day in the PMA, other day trips will be to Ge-be and LLC. Maybe look for some lakers on Gun.
distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2024 04:42PM  
Do gebe for sure. Best small mouth fishing we found our whole week out. The stone chairs are super cool too and if you like the pma exploring you can check out charm, people on here have said its pretty easy to access
02/15/2024 11:26AM  
The island site on Finger every one is discussing is very nice. Camped there 3 years ago and loved it. We did take 2 days to get there with Day Two being a bit strenuous for our party. We were all pretty bushed. Our first night was at the top of Little Loon.

We are headed to that entry point again August 18th. Not sure if I want to do that loop again in 7 days or just putter around Shell, Lynx and heritage for the week.

If i do that loop again I would like to take at least ten days to do it so i could explore more of the area rather than pack and go.

Lynx is a beauty as well and we caught lots of fish and one really nice 26" walleye.
The campsite across from the portage to Little Shell is a gem and has a great jumping rock into deep water. Also the landing is one of the best.

Shell looked very fishy but I am nervous about crowding. However when we went through their on our way out 3 years ago we didn't see a soul on the lake. It was also during the fires and the day we exited was the day they shut the entry point down.
02/15/2024 12:13PM  
Bushman: "The island site on Finger every one is discussing is very nice. Camped there 3 years ago and loved it. We did take 2 days to get there with Day Two being a bit strenuous for our party. We were all pretty bushed. Our first night was at the top of Little Loon.

We are headed to that entry point again August 18th. Not sure if I want to do that loop again in 7 days or just putter around Shell, Lynx and heritage for the week.

If i do that loop again I would like to take at least ten days to do it so i could explore more of the area rather than pack and go.

Lynx is a beauty as well and we caught lots of fish and one really nice 26" walleye.
The campsite across from the portage to Little Shell is a gem and has a great jumping rock into deep water. Also the landing is one of the best.

Shell looked very fishy but I am nervous about crowding. However when we went through their on our way out 3 years ago we didn't see a soul on the lake. It was also during the fires and the day we exited was the day they shut the entry point down."

We will likely take two days to get to Finger as well, camping on Little Loon or Slim the first night. We base camped on Lynx several years ago and really enjoyed heritage and hustler, had some weird weather patterns so fishing was a bit off but we did fine. If you want an adventure, head up to Yodler and bring a fishing rod.
member (45)member
02/15/2024 03:19PM  
Bushman: "The island site on Finger every one is discussing is very nice. Camped there 3 years ago and loved it. We did take 2 days to get there with Day Two being a bit strenuous for our party. We were all pretty bushed. Our first night was at the top of Little Loon.

We are headed to that entry point again August 18th. Not sure if I want to do that loop again in 7 days or just putter around Shell, Lynx and heritage for the week.

If i do that loop again I would like to take at least ten days to do it so i could explore more of the area rather than pack and go.

Lynx is a beauty as well and we caught lots of fish and one really nice 26" walleye.
The campsite across from the portage to Little Shell is a gem and has a great jumping rock into deep water. Also the landing is one of the best.

Shell looked very fishy but I am nervous about crowding. However when we went through their on our way out 3 years ago we didn't see a soul on the lake. It was also during the fires and the day we exited was the day they shut the entry point down."

Hustler is one of my favorite lakes in that area, it's hard to go there without looping from EP14 to EP16, but if going to Lynx, i'd tell you to go one further, or at least consider a day trip to Hustler. I've done almost all the lakes in that Fishers Map except the finger lakes (it's on the list one of these days), good luck and should be a fun trip.
02/16/2024 10:25AM  
Slim. Eugene, Gebe, and Hustler are all top smb lakes. I've caught some nice walleye on Gebe, but it's been challenging.
06/27/2024 06:28AM  
Thanks for the info. We are down to our usual 4 guys now, so our campsite options should be a bit better to hang 4 hammocks. Couple other questions, has anyone done the portage from slim to fat recently or in mid summer? any experience catching lakers on Gun or Takucmich? Thinking of day tripping for lakers there. Thanks!
06/27/2024 04:41PM  
I was fishing Tacukmich last week and did really well with the lakers. On a disappointing note, I discovered spiny water flea on my line. I’ve caught a few 10lbs ers on Gun but a tough lake to fish. If you’re on Tacukmich, hop over to Trygg for Brook Trout!
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06/29/2024 05:05AM  
I did the portage slim-fat last year. The initial hill climb is a beast but once you push past it the trail levels out very nicely.
You'll find the trail starts behind two fallen birches which you will have to climb over. There is a fork to the left at the beginning that Peter's out, make sure you stay to the right. There was a wasps nest on the trail last year, all three of us got stung running through. It was right before you decend down the hill to fat. Not sure what it's condition is this year as it's not a maintained trail, but as of August 2023 it was clear with very few climb overs.
Don't be intimidated, it's a long trail but very easy to follow.
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