BWCA Pre and Post trip camping on Farm lake EP31 Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Pre and Post trip camping on Farm lake EP31     
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member (15)member
02/10/2024 03:27PM  
Greetings !
Looking to enter at 31 on Farm Lake and I see on the map "Superior Forest Lodge and Campground" right near the entry point.
I can't find any direct info about it. Is there camping really there? Is it reservable or just walkup? Or should I just stick with Fall lake or Kawishiwi campgrounds?

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distinguished member (167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2024 04:15PM  
I’ve never heard of any camping on farm lake.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/12/2024 06:02PM  
I saw it on a map and drove by it last September but was uncertain if I could see it . I also see it on Google maps. It appears as Superior Forest Lodge and Campground. If you look at a map of the lake, it shows up at about four o'clock. A long peninsula (that points at an island). NO IDEA if it's really there. Call an outfitter on that lake. It would be a great night before a farm lake entry. Paddle from there.
member (15)member
02/12/2024 07:56PM  
Thanks for the reply! I will stick with Fall lake or Kwish.
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2024 04:56PM  
You could get a campsite at Silver Rapids, technically on White Iron Lake but right there.
02/13/2024 05:17PM  
HowardSprague: "You could get a campsite at Silver Rapids, technically on White Iron Lake but right there."

That's a pretty good suggestion!
member (15)member
03/07/2024 11:27AM  
Thank you for the info!
03/08/2024 02:01PM  
I believe there are a few sites on South Farm Lake. You could also camp at Silver Rapids Lodge, they have a small campground right on White Iron Lake.

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