BWCA Check out this ICE FISHING Shack Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Check out this ICE FISHING Shack     
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02/14/2024 05:22PM  
Check out this ICE FISHING Shack

A goup of friends bought a decommissioned British Aerospace plane on Facebook Marketplace.They bought the plane for $3,000 and turned the aircraft into a ICE FISHING Shack. Right now they are fishing on LakeMountain Lake about 65 km from Regina Saskatchewan.

The plane was put on ski's and weighs about the same as a pickup ... making it safe for transporting on a frozen lake.

Certainly a headturner !
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distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/16/2024 03:12PM  
Wait....why aren't they fishing out of the porthole windows? And where's the 'landing gear'? How can you possibly land any fish without landing gear? They obviously didn't think this through thoroughly.... :O

02/17/2024 10:45AM  

Good questions … LOL
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