BWCA Voyageur Stove? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Voyageur Stove?     
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02/20/2024 02:10PM  
Anyone know if the Voyageur Stoves are still being produced? I can't access their website. If not, let me know if anyone is trying to sell theirs!
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senior member (55)senior membersenior member
02/21/2024 11:23AM  
Please post if you get an answer. I would like to buy the oven kit for the stove I have.
distinguished member(732)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2024 10:26PM  
colecudd: "Anyone know if the Voyageur Stoves are still being produced? I can't access their website. If not, let me know if anyone is trying to sell theirs! "

The burners are Primus Classic Trail backpacking stoves. I got a few at REI during one of the seasonal sales for less than $20 each.

While the aluminum Voyager Stove looks fancy, $40 spent on camp stoves and 10 toward a 1/2 sheet of thin plywood and you could likely duplicate the Voyager stove concept in an afternoon.
02/24/2024 10:48AM  
You may be in luck! Posted on the BWCA For Sale Message Board on the 23rd at
by thtr0601, a new, never used Voyageur Stove for $200. Hope it goes well for you. Best o' luck.
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 04:37PM  
I believe the business is closed.
member (30)member
03/30/2024 04:56PM  
We made the tough decision to close the business at the end of year. It was a great run, a lot of fun, learned a lot and met some amazing people along the way. Now on to other things and more trips to the BW and Quetico!

With great appreciation,
Joe Fleming
Voyageurs Outdoor Gear
member (30)member
03/30/2024 05:03PM  
Hey Trent-
I may be able to pull together an oven kit for you. If you are still interested, you can reach me at my personal email listed in my profile.
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