BWCA Paddle partner? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (17)member
02/20/2024 10:18PM  
I have a permit to enter at Mudro on July 6. My trip partner now can't go. Anyone want to try something crazy and join me?

I'm 53 years old, in reasonable shape. I have all my own gear, including a Kevlar 2-person canoe. I prefer base camping over moving each day, but I'd be open to trying something new. I wouldn't mind exploring. I'd be open to going to Boot, Fourtown, and/or Horse Lakes. I do spend most of my time fishing. This will be my 4th trip to the BW. Just looking for someone with a similar love for the BWCA who would be willing to pull their own weight. I think one advantage to partnering up with someone new is learning how others do things and manage a trip. I'm like to learn new things.

I live in NE Wisconsin. (Shawano...about 1/2 hour west of Green Bay). I'm pretty tech savvy, and could jointly plan a trip over email or virtual meetings.

If you want to connect to explore the idea let me know. Otherwise, if nobody's interested, I'll have to look into taking my first solo trip.

The picture is from my first trip two years ago when my kids and I entered at Kawishiwi Lake and stayed a week on Polly.

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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/21/2024 08:42AM  
Tazz... you have a great chance of finding a paddle partner here on the board. However, you can increase your chances by doing a couple things.

Edit your post to include where you're located. It may not make a big difference, but it can help.

Go to your profile and "unclick" the box that says "Hide my email address from others". By doing so, a little envelope will show up below your name in your posts which allows someone to click on it and email you. (Note the little envelope under my name.)

Another thing would be to attend Canoecopia on March 8-10. There is a dinner on Saturday night which would give you an opportunity to meet some board members and network a bit. It's always a good time.

Good luck!
member (17)member
02/21/2024 09:27AM  
Jackfish, thank you for the excellent advice. I appreciate the tips.

I've updated my post and made the suggest changes to my profile. We'll see if anybody wants to give it a shot.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/21/2024 10:23AM  
Hey Tazz... I'm right down the road from you in Appleton. Also, in your profile pic, it looks like the top half of a WIAA logo on your jacket. Are you an official?
member (17)member
02/21/2024 10:30AM  
I am a basketball official. I also do some baseball and softball.

My day job is Activities Director at Shawano Community High School.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/21/2024 12:16PM  
tazzeroo2002: "I am a basketball official. I also do some baseball and softball.

My day job is Activities Director at Shawano Community High School."

That's great! Good for you. I officiated football for 24 years and basketball for 11. Gave up basketball after a job change. Longtime member of the GBOA.
member (8)member
03/03/2024 03:16PM  
I have a paddle partner request out too. Any chance you could change your days? We have a permit for LIS North on June 29. Currently only have 2 people going, but we enjoy going with others more.

We would be similar in age and condition to you, renting a canoe, but we have all the other gear.

We like going to new places and did Mudro last year. It was a great trip.
member (17)member
03/04/2024 09:11AM  
I have some individuals who have expressed interest in joining me for the 7/6 entry. I think I'm going to stick with that date.
member (8)member
03/04/2024 11:28AM  
You will have a great time. We enjoyed that EP. But then again - is there a bad one?
04/20/2024 04:28AM  
I have been on numerous Quetico/BWCAW trips.
Looking to go again.
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