BWCA Suggestions on burn area portion of route Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Suggestions on burn area portion of route     
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02/28/2024 03:28PM  
Going to enter at Beaverhouse and work down to Sturgeon and Maligne River section to Tanner Lake. Then into Minn lake. Then work over towards south and east towards Kahsahpiwi. We’ll work back north into poet chain probably. Exit at Nym lake. 15 day trip beginning of July. Any thoughts or suggestions post fire on working through that area. I don’t want to be on the border since I’ve tripped that on the American side.

Thanks Ryan
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distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2024 08:10AM  
I've barely skirted some of that area since the fire (mostly Sturgeon, which is largely unburned except just west of the Sturgeon narrows a north/south strip burned). We saw the entire length of Kahshahpiwi last year - no visual burns there from what I can recall.

But check out this video series on youtube, as it has footage from a good chunk of the area you're talking about. Here's the middle section, which I think includes Sturgeon and the Maligne. I think part four will also cover a good chunk off applicable territory to you as well.

Solo Schmitty Quetico Series Part Three
03/04/2024 12:12PM  
Thanks! I’d watched that a while ago but then wasn’t sure which video it was. Will be interesting getting into Minn Lake but looked doable. Camping on Tanner sounds like a no go with the burn being bad in that area.

Thinking maybe Minn, McAree Rebecca Falls. Iron to Crooked(we’ve done that on BWCA trips) Then up north Argo, Darkwater. Then meander down to Sarah into Kahsahpiwi and back North. Debating Poet Chain but leaning more towards Baird, Cub, Camel up to Sturgeon. Then Lonely, Jesse, Walter, Maria out to Nym. Puts us in areas we haven’t gone through as much as possible before.

distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2024 09:48AM  
Hi Ryan,

Tony and I did a loop through that area last August. We paddled from the LLC Ranger Station across to Black Robe portage to McAree (C1) - Rebecca Falls (C2)- Roland (C3)- Argo (C4&5)-Elk (C6)- Gardner Bay (C7)-Robinson (C8&9)- McIntyre (C10)-Tuck River (C11)-Kahshahpiwi (C12)-Sark (C13)- Keats (C14&15)-Russell (C16&17)- Sturgeon (C18)- Maligne River (C19)- Twin Falls (C20). We found the Quetico Park fire map is quite accurate albeit tiny :) If you want specific information about camps in your travel area I might be able to help you. PM me.

The camps on the McAree side of Rebecca Falls are burnt out- Roland Chain also, though we found a camp there with a storm coming and it was fine for a quick night- Lots of camps on Argo - Mid lake camp on Elk is still there- lots of camps on Robinson and the northern part of McIntyre- we loved the Tuck river route to Kahshahpiwi- one nice camp on a no-name lake there for a small party- Sark to Keats is badly burned and most of the legacy spots are gone but I think you've been through there recently- lots of camps still on Sturgeon except in "Walleye narrows" and yes, Tanner is quite badly burned but there are some usable though not awesome camps along the river between Sturgeon and Poohbah Creek if you poke around. I love the Maligne River-so beautiful and good fishing.

About 10 years ago in August we took the "portages" from the Maligne to Minn and it was a little used- bog hopping- ankle busting mess but we made it and the river between Minn and Darkwater was lovely so if you're up for an adventure go for it.

Have a great trip-. Melissa
03/11/2024 09:26PM  
So the two campsites on McAree across from Rebecca falls are burnt out? Bummer! Those were what I was hoping to stay in on that lake. Could stay on the 3* between the Falls on the Island though. Good campsite on the Iron Lake side. I don’t want to be on the border for very long though if I do head that far south.

I wonder how the Darkwater river portion is between Minn and Darkwater after the burn. That whole section was in the 21 burn.

I’ve been thinking that Tuck River route into Kahsahpiwi looks interesting. Apparently it’s unnamed on some maps. Matt lake on other maps, and PP has it as Irene! That campsite seems like a good one to shoot for if things work out based on weather for us and distances needed to cover that day. Really nice campsite I’d like to stay in mid lake on Brent day before that. That would be a nice distance into Irene/Matt/unnamed.

I was at my first Canoecopia this weekend. Definitely a good time. Starting to think about Northern Saskatchewan Fond Du Lac, or Porcupine rivers in a few years.

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