BWCA Chatterton Falls Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Chatterton Falls     



distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2024 11:05AM  
Plan to enter the park from the north and head to Chatterton Falls and head south. I have not entered from the north other than Beaverhouse in number of years. What entry point allows quickest route to Chatterton? Stanton drop off or French? Thanks.
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03/07/2024 11:29AM  
Route planning this time of year is great fun!
03/07/2024 12:49PM  
And.....once you get the answer on where to enter Pickerel, which way do you plan to exit it?.....B chain or Dore and down?
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2024 01:27PM  
cowdoc: "And.....once you get the answer on where to enter Pickerel, which way do you plan to exit it?.....B chain or Dore and down?"

Getting dropped on the north side and headed down to Prairie after Chatterton. We won’t decide how we get back down till we leave Chatterton.
03/07/2024 02:22PM  
Stanton bay entry if you get an early drop-off.
03/07/2024 02:44PM  
Stanton bay is generally considered the best. Mainly due to wind out of the west weather concerns. If you are an American you can’t park at Stanton Bay. You have to get dropped off. You can park at any of the other Northern entry points that rule is just for Stanton bay.

Our first trip we entered at Stanton and exited at Stanton. My son’s big trip last year he entered at Beaverhouse and exited at Stanton. This year he and I are going to enter at Beaverhouse and exit at Nym.

Who are you going with for outfitter? I like Branch’s Seine River Lodge, and Camp Quetico. They are both very good!

senior member (62)senior membersenior member
03/07/2024 02:48PM  
I'm entering at Stanton mid-August, getting an early start then the B's to Russell for a 4 day base. Wondering if I should attempt a return via Deux Riviere/Dore/Pickerel or just return through the B's. I'm concerned the Deux will be low and awful to navigate.
03/07/2024 03:00PM  
Fastest is Stanton > Dore > Twin > Sturgeon > Russell. As previously mentioned, cross Pickerel early in the day if you can.

Not impossible to get there in one day, however when we tried it my group wanted to skin me alive.
03/07/2024 03:37PM  
GraniteCliffs: "
cowdoc: "And.....once you get the answer on where to enter Pickerel, which way do you plan to exit it?.....B chain or Dore and down?"

Getting dropped on the north side and headed down to Prairie after Chatterton. We won’t decide how we get back down till we leave Chatterton. "

Misunderstanding....I was curious which route you would take from Pickerel TO Chatterton......which have now been discussed
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2024 11:08AM  
Thanks for all of the information!!
distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2024 03:45PM  
I have done this stretch a number of times. Stanton Bay is the best choice. I’ve done loops down through B lakes then back out thru the Deux. Low water can turn a 15 minute paddle (in high water) down the Deux into a 90 minute mucky ordeal. Keep in mind that the long portage from Fern to Oliphaunt is down hill. It’s a heart-pounder going uphill, but the scenery along the portage is beautiful. Enjoy!

senior member (62)senior membersenior member
03/08/2024 04:48PM  
I am a little concerned about the Russell lake area having a ton of people in it. How busy are Chatterton/McDougal/Keats that time of year? Are they worth the paddle to get out of the super busy Falls area?
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2024 06:03PM  
goblu79: "I am a little concerned about the Russell lake area having a ton of people in it. How busy are Chatterton/McDougal/Keats that time of year? Are they worth the paddle to get out of the super busy Falls area? "

Russell is a big lake. I’ve been on Russell and not seen anyone. And I’ve been on it and seen a few groups. It’s generally a quiet lake but the falls will attract every group that is nearby and for good reason.

I think you aught to be concerned about a lot of things in the Q but generally not people. It’s pretty quiet even on busy days.

03/09/2024 09:10AM  
Super busy doesn't will be fine
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/10/2024 11:33PM  
cowdoc: "Super busy doesn't will be fine"

Exactly. What Cowdoc said.
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