BWCA Racers portages Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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member (22)member
03/08/2024 06:48PM  
Has anyone been on the racers portages (Bonhomme and Savage) in the past couple of years?
We have been on those in past years… wet, dry, flooded.. any idea what they look like now?
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distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2024 07:01AM  
Why yes I did them last year.

They are both burned out from a fire in 2021 or so. Definitely not as bad as I thought they would be.

The middle lake between them is burned out. It’s all a real pretty area though. I will make one serious note though. The portage out of the small lake to Fern is not marked correctly on the Fisher map. It is several hundred yards east of where it’s marked on the map.

Due to the fire, the portage trail is at times a little tricky to stay on. More moose use the trail than people. Watch for flags on the trail put there by Quetico rangers.

Have fun!

PS. Alice is all burned out too and no campsites.

distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2024 02:53PM  


Here’s what the lake between the portages looks like

03/09/2024 03:52PM  
The "racers" portages are different. They go from Nym to Pickerel via Gillnet lake outside the park boundary
03/09/2024 06:24PM  
cowdoc: "The "racers" portages are different. They go from Nym to Pickerel via Gillnet lake outside the park boundary "

I always thought they were the two portages connecting Fern and Alice?

But I've been wrong before. Just ask my wife.
03/09/2024 06:47PM  
Just ran across it recently doing some research as our group may use them this spring.
03/09/2024 09:38PM  
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/10/2024 12:52PM  
Huh, I too thought the racers portages were between Alice and Fern.
Don Meany up in Atikokan would know. His brother made them.
03/10/2024 01:47PM  
Yeah, little suprise to me too. Maybe both sets known by that name?...maybe old and new...
Maybe racers and racer's?
03/10/2024 04:47PM  
Well, this is interesting history! Might indeed be "both", sort of...

Can't see anything about why the Nym>Pickerel shortcut is called the racers...though it would seem that that may have been the route for the races in '62, '63 and '64.

Regardless, the two guys who won the 1964 Atikokan > Ely race got the Alice - Fern portages that they cut through the wilderness named after them...assuming this article is correct (which it may not be):

Atikokan > Ely Race

So I at least had that second part right in my head...
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/11/2024 07:19AM  
Well SNS, I think that answers a lot of questions.

It appears that at least Fisher maps thinks the portages out of Pickeral and Gilnet are the racer portages. And maybe they are. But the portages between Fern and Alice are ‘also’ the racer portages. Probably more so since they were put in specifically by and for the racers.

Canada was opened up by the paddle, not the wheel like in the US. So much canoe history in Ontario.

03/11/2024 09:43AM  
To clarify....pic was from Chrismar, not Fisher. Checked my Fisher, no label there.
member (22)member
03/11/2024 04:58PM  
Thanks! This is great info
member (22)member
03/11/2024 04:58PM  
Ha! Yeah… my mistake. Although the name still fits with the Bonhomme and Savage…. And the story is still a good one!
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