BWCA Pine Lake and Buck Lake Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Pine Lake and Buck Lake     
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member (11)member
03/15/2024 09:41PM  
Group of 6 trying to decide if we want to camp on Pine lake or Buck lake for 3 nights coming in from Lake Vermillion. Lots of information saying buck lake is great fishing just dont know if its worth it to get all the way there with all the gear for just 3 nights or camp on Pine lake and make a day trip one day. How is the fishing on Pine mid May? Assuming should be good around the creeks looks to have decent walleye in it but what I read online is mixed.
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03/16/2024 03:50PM  
There is good fishing in both lakes although I’ve never been there in the spring. There are only two sites on Buck so you’d have the lake probably to yourselves.
member (21)member
03/19/2024 09:55AM  
The sites on Buck are small, probably best to stay on Pine.
03/25/2024 06:29PM  
I've been to Pine twice, but both times in June. Fishing was very good, with some bonus blue gills.
03/25/2024 08:45PM  
When we went to pine, had decent fishing- ate walleye everyday. We took a day trip up the buck river to buck. I caught two walleye in ten mins trolling a shallow crank. We only stayed for a half hour or so- long enough to eat lunch on an island and the headed back down the river. We almost turned back around, and decided to go around a couple more turns in the river and finally made it to buck. Not something I’d do with a loaded canoe, but definitely glad we did- it was quite the adventure!
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
03/26/2024 08:48AM  
I was on pine memorial weekend last year. Best walleye fishing I’ve seen in quite some time. As soon as the sun hit the trees in the evening from camp had slip bobbers and couldn’t keep them off the hook. We didn’t go to buck so I can’t say on that.
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