BWCA Pack, Granite Gear 3.5??? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Pack, Granite Gear 3.5???     
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distinguished member (177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 12:20PM  
Anyone familiar with the granite gear 3.5 pack? Capacity is listed at Capacity: 57 liters | 3500 cubic inches. Assuming thisnos smaller than a #4 Duluth packā€¦but how much smaller when it comes to packing is in gear?
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03/26/2024 01:24PM  
I have a GG "Solo" pack that is 4000 cubic inches, so just a tad bigger (1/7th more space) than the one you are considering. It could still fit a bear vault (large size) cross wise at the bottom or two bear vaults side by side with a bit of room on top. I liked it for a small adult, or for younger teens. Well built like all GG packs. I'd have more if they still made them.

Depends what kind of party you are tripping with, but I always find a use for a pack about that size. I do have multiple larger packs though, so I think you consider the whole set of options. If the price is right, add it to the mix.

03/26/2024 01:44PM  
The 3.5 numbers (3500 cu. in. or 57 liters) are smaller than those derived from the dimensions listed on Granite Gear's website (21x26x7 = 3822 cu. in. or 62.6 liters). My guess is that the smaller numbers are based on the draw-cord overflow feature not being used to its maximum. It is a little confusing and I don't have a #3.5, unfortunately.

Compare the GG3.5 to the GG#4: 6000 cu. in. or 98 liters. The published dimensions and the volume match in that case.
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