BWCA Zamberlan Goretex Hiking Boots? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Zamberlan Goretex Hiking Boots?     
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04/11/2024 02:14PM  
Saw a pair of Zamberlan 971 Guide Lux GTX RR 6" Hiking Boots Leather Men's on-line for a decent price. Anyone have any experience with them? Thanks.

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04/11/2024 03:56PM  
quark2222: "Saw a pair of Zamberlan 971 Guide Lux GTX RR 6" Hiking Boots Leather Men's on-line for a decent price. Anyone have any experience with them? Thanks.

I have the Zamberlan Vios 6 inch GTX Hiking Boots - Men's and just love them, get so many great remarks from other people also. I like them so much tho I have been more careful than normal keeping them in good shape.
What price were talking?
These are the most expensive boot by twice the money I ever paid for a boot of any kind. Awesome quality.
I would not wear them as a canoe camping boot-to nice.
04/11/2024 04:17PM  
They list for around $450. Midway-USA (The reputable on-line purveyor of gun related things and ammo) has them on-line direct for $246 with free freight. I have a feeling that the 971 model is being discontinued. By the way - I just found out that Midway sells all kinds of camping things such as Big Agnes tents, MSR stoves and other decent quality gear.

I actually went ahead this afternoon and purchased a pair from Midway through Amazon for around $286, as I had $150 worth of unused Amazon gift cards that were several years old and I wanted to get rid of them. So, my net was around $157 with tax and free freight.

For me, with boots (which is all I wear), there is a life succession. New - BWCA use or "dress use". The next step lower is daily use around the house and in town. Further down the line is cutting firewood around the house, lawn cutting, home outdoor projects. Final use is chuck them in the dumpster, as there is not much left of them.

04/11/2024 07:48PM  
They are made of the highest quality materials
04/11/2024 07:51PM  
Sounds like a good deal=$390 at REI boots+
distinguished member (182)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2024 08:48PM  
I have the Vioz version. Excellent quality and fit for me. Maybe run slightly big. I wear a 12 wide in the vioz. I usually do best in a 12.5 wide when I can find them. They really hold your foot in place without pressure points from laces or rivets. I drown volume wise in the Asolo leather boots, these boots seem to have a roomy enough toe box without all the extra slop.
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