BWCA Old Sawyer ID appreciated Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Old Sawyer ID appreciated     
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04/15/2024 05:38PM  
I have an opportunity to buy an old used Sawyer canoe - have no info other than pics - any idea which model and possibly year? They are asking $350 for it
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04/15/2024 09:38PM  
Send out the bat signal for Hans solo
04/16/2024 09:03AM  
In my judgement that is a Sawyer Leaverite.

As in leave it right there.
04/16/2024 09:40AM  
Thanks ??
04/16/2024 09:41AM  
I meant “thanks” with a smiley face!
04/16/2024 11:05AM  
I'm a big fan of Sawyer canoes but that hull is just about dead.
04/16/2024 02:11PM  
We get canoes donated to the nature center where I volunteer. From your photos I can’t be sure but it certainly doesn’t look to be in very good shape. I wouldn’t pay much or anything for it. We end up cutting up some of our donated canoes. The director doesn’t want to discourage donations so she accepts everything. So I am fast with a Sawzall in cutting up the junk canoes. But at least I have a fairly good collection of used canoe parts.
04/16/2024 02:16PM  
I have no opinion at all on the canoe, however I am curious what Banksiana sees that indicates the hull is "just about dead".

To be clear, I wouldn't know the first thing about it so this is a total info fishing expedition.
04/16/2024 03:22PM  
Boat shows severe exposure to UV- was left in the sun for years, if not it's entire life which began in the early eighties (a guess). It is twisted, the gunwales are bent and out of true (perhaps from years of bearing snow loads). Appears to be have gained tremendous amount of, shall we say, free-form rocker. It's an all fiberglass boat, no foam core and with just a single thwart. Stay away.
04/16/2024 05:49PM  
I want to thank everyone for all their helpful info - this was my first post to this group and you folks saved me from buying a clinker :)
distinguished member(3057)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2024 07:52PM  
Banksiana: "In my judgement that is a Sawyer Leaverite.

As in leave it right there."

Ok that’s funny stuff. But the truth too. I agree that it’s time for the sawsall and euthanize it.
04/16/2024 08:00PM  
Viking burial possibility? Hate to just chop something up. Chopping up the boat, I mean, not the deceased.

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