BWCA Portage yoke needed Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Portage yoke needed     
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distinguished member (137)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2024 09:25AM  
Does anyone in the Minneapolis area have second hand or un-used portage yoke they are willing to part with? I think its time for a replacement. Lol

The front seat support broke last year. Luckily a 10 pound rock fit perfectly. I didn't even mind portaging that rock. It traveled 14 miles with me and over two portages.

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04/19/2024 11:27AM  
If you can't find a free spare...this is quite affordable:
Yoke - Essex Industries

Northstar also sells them for not that much money.
04/19/2024 01:37PM  
I'm more interested in the rock. Any pictures? Did you put it under the seat to prop it up?

The only rock we ever portaged was a 3lb rock that we snagged on a lure and managed to reel into the boat. The guy who caught it thought it was hilarious to portage his "catch" with the fish we ended up eating for dinner.
distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 01:19AM  
timf1981: "Does anyone in the Minneapolis area have second hand or un-used portage yoke they are willing to part with? I think its time for a replacement."

Yep, gimme a call anytime. Always home...
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 06:50PM  
On my way home from BWCA trips I usually stop along hwy 1 and ‘steal’ a few big rocks for my yard. I’ve also used them for my campfire ring in the back yard.
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