I have too many guitars, and I'm in the market for a weight savings upgrade to my Penobscot 16. I've been thinking about selling a guitar to fund a canoe purchase, but maybe you have the opposite problem. Too many canoes and not enough guitars?
I'm looking for a 16'-17' composite tandem at or under 45 lbs. I am interested in a Northwind 16 or 17, a Northstar or Polaris, a Quetico 17, Spirit II or Boundary Waters, probably in that order of preference. Ideally near the MSP metro area.
The guitar I'm offering is a 2011 Guild F-30R Standard. It's not without it's bumps and bruises but I would say it's in really good player grade condition and I'm looking for $1500 trade value (plus cash as necessary). I can provide more pictures and details if anyone happens to be interested.
If you're not interested in a trade but have a boat to sell by all means let me know. The responsible voice in my head says I should sell the guitar first, but for the right boat at the right price I can probably quiet that voice ;-)
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