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05/05/2024 09:33PM  
Has anyone tried flying with a jet boil stove? The TSA website says it needs to be empty, clean with no fuel vapors or residue. Is it even possible to remove all vapors? I’d hate to try to get through security, only to find it can’t be taken.

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distinguished member (447)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 07:20AM  
I've flown to Patagonia with one with no problems. Of course, no canisters. If concerned, I'd just wash it. We've also flown with MSR gas stoves with empty, clean and open fuel bottles (I wash and bag the caps separately). However, I have heard that someone had a stove confiscated (or at least a very long conversation) about a MSR stove.
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 03:56PM  
I have flown since 2007 every year with my MSR canister stoves - Wind Pro, Wind Pro II and Reactor and haven't been questioned once. I have had TSA go thru my kit occasionally, but no comments or questions. I don't wash them or do anything special about storing/packing them other that keeping them protected. This is both out and back and I usually fly Delta, sometimes United. I can't imagine a Jetboil would be any different. YMMV

05/06/2024 04:26PM  
Thanks, that is good to know! I always worry about that kind of stuff - I have been pulled aside for a bag of soil (for a wedding ceremony).
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 06:56PM  
Sounds like a dirt-cheap wedding gift!!!
05/07/2024 09:17PM  
portagedog09: "Sounds like a dirt-cheap wedding gift!!!"

It was like a unity candle ceremony, only they each had soil from where they were raised, and combined it with soil from where they live now. Then they used it it to plant a tree at their home.
I was mother of the groom, so it was actually a pretty expensive wedding gift!
distinguished member (447)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2024 09:06AM  
4keys: "I have been pulled aside for a bag of soil (for a wedding ceremony).

So you were responsible for providing the dirt on the married couple during the party?
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2024 02:32PM  
MReid: "
4keys: "I have been pulled aside for a bag of soil (for a wedding ceremony).

So you were responsible for providing the dirt on the married couple during the party? "

Getting awkward...

I bought an old Coleman stove at a garage sale while on vacation in Florida a long time ago. Stove was empty. And I didn't think twice about it.
Landed in MSP sans the stove. TSA took it and left me a note. I guess it was not empty enough and some TSA guy got a cool stove.
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/14/2024 02:02PM  
tumblehome: "
MReid: "
4keys: "I have been pulled aside for a bag of soil (for a wedding ceremony).

So you were responsible for providing the dirt on the married couple during the party? "

Getting awkward...

I bought an old Coleman stove at a garage sale while on vacation in Florida a long time ago. Stove was empty. And I didn't think twice about it.
Landed in MSP sans the stove. TSA took it and left me a note. I guess it was not empty enough and some TSA guy got a cool stove.

If you wonder where that stuff goes, I worked at a public organization that received bulk TSA "surrendered" (their term) items. It included most anything confiscated (my term) other than guns, drugs, explosives, perishables, hazmat, etc. Each state has one entity appointed to distribute federal surplus property to local governments, schools, community colleges. They can get heavy trucks and boats, fire and medical gear, machine tools, and other stuff including TSA loot. We received 500 pound lots of TSA stuff in heavy wood boxes. The vast majority was pocket knives, multi tools with a blade, and the like, but there is some strange stuff in there too. Tons of stuff with hidden blades, dungeon "toys," a mini guillotine, ceremonial axes. Since local gov had no use for the TSA stuff, it was auctioned off to the public in smaller lots. The proceeds paid shipping on the big stuff. You got the fire trucks for free but had to transport them from some Air Force base to your local town's FD. I hated to see so many confiscated heirloom-looking knives in there. I did not see your stove.
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