BWCA The route less paddled Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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   Listening Point - General Discussion
      The route less paddled     



distinguished member(1975)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2024 06:48AM  
If you want to follow along on an epic summer adventure you might want to check out Jonathon and Zach's site. Big Falls to the Arctic Ocean.

The Route Less Paddled

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05/10/2024 08:50AM  
i always like to follow these kind of adventure trips. hopefully they will be posting from their journals along the way.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2024 05:24PM  
Oh man, yes I’ll follow this.

Growing up, I didn’t even know trips like this existed. It wasn’t until my 40’s did I even hear about people doing this. Now I feel I don’t have the physical stamina to do a trip of this nature. That’s Okay, I can still do wilderness trips and I’m cool with that. Thanks for sharing the link.
05/10/2024 06:55PM  
They were presenting at Far North Symposium in April, weren't they? Epic journey planned.
05/12/2024 12:11PM  
HighnDry: "They were presenting at Far North Symposium in April, weren't they? Epic journey planned."

Not all of us could attend that. Haha!

I hope to follow also.
05/12/2024 06:42PM  
This will be interesting to follow.
05/13/2024 03:26PM  
05/14/2024 12:27AM  
HighnDry: "They were presenting at Far North Symposium in April, weren't they? Epic journey planned."

Yes! I was there for their presentation. Pretty incredible route and distance. Wishing them good weather and safe travels.
05/14/2024 01:08AM  
Every time I see these I wonder who killed Jerry Pushcars dog.

And yes, so impressed with these stories and so hard to even wrap my head around.
05/17/2024 04:57PM  
They have made excellent progress. Hope they can stay ahead of the weather heading that way.
05/22/2024 08:05PM  
Wonder how badly the fire smoke is affecting their trip?
05/28/2024 06:47PM  
They are either resting
or wind bound. Hopeful they will update their blog soon
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