BWCA Unlike anything else in the BWCA Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
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05/16/2024 09:59AM  
Lost caverns/crevices/boulders far off the beaten path. Couldn't explore these glacial erratics any further without rope. Stone door entrance ~8ft tall from ground, picture doesn't give scale. The Wisini Lake boulders pale in comparison. This is more of a vast complex.

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05/16/2024 10:52AM  
These are in the BW? Where?
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/16/2024 11:24AM  
Good bear dens
05/16/2024 11:50AM  
Very cool! Location would be great.
05/16/2024 12:14PM  
I feel like I saw something like this on the Eugene-Little Beartrack portage? Lots of rock and cliffs there. Also reminds me of some big boulders on the Beaver-Adams portage where I saw ice still remaining the second week of June.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/16/2024 01:33PM  
Welcome to!

For those who might be interested.... BWCA caves
05/16/2024 06:16PM  
This is nowhere near a portage. Quite the bushwhack to reach.
distinguished member (152)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/16/2024 09:32PM  
Is it a secret or will you say where it was?
05/17/2024 11:41AM  
I wonder if there are any bones in there, or maybe a giant spider like on Gilligan’s Island.
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Rockwood Outfitters