BWCA What length paddle for me-you? Chart-Bending Branches Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      What length paddle for me-you? Chart-Bending Branches     
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05/16/2024 08:01PM  
Bending Branches

For years in a straight paddle, I used too long of paddle. Now pretty much use a bending branches curved-bent of 52-54 inches.

Bending Branches info fit what you have or need?

Your favorite brand?
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05/16/2024 08:32PM  
I find Bending Branches chart to be pretty accurate. I have two BB paddles 56" straight and 52" bent. Badger and BB are my go to paddle brands.
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2024 07:20AM  
It's pretty accurate for the average human dimensions, folks with long gangly arms like me can get away with less paddle. I have a 54 according to their chart, but also a 52 which feels a bit more comfortable.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2024 09:16AM  
and SO much of paddle length comes down to personal feel. I know my paddle is shorter than I would have on a chart, but I use a short quick paddle stroke and so it's perfect for me.
05/17/2024 09:34AM  
According to their chart, I should use a 52" bent shaft paddle but I have been more comfortable with a 54". I usually sit in the front because my canoe partner has more experience on the water, and weight, than I do so I find that the little extra length makes it a little more comfortable in reaching over the gunwales.

If I were sitting in the stern, I imagine that the 52" would work just fine.
05/18/2024 06:41AM  
I did not find their chart accurate. By their standards a 56" bent is right for me. I ended up wanting a 52". Same was true for my wife who would theoretically be a 52" bent but is using a 50" on the cusp of wanting 48". She probably would have gotten a 48" but loves her new 50" Old Mustache.

This was an expensive problem to address. If anyone wants a lightly used 56" BB Pearl 11 maybe we can do a deal. Could probably do the same with a 50" BB Pearl 11 that has seen one BWCA trip.

Didn't mean to turn this into a sales pitch.
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