BWCA No mosquitoes next week Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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   Listening Point - General Discussion
      No mosquitoes next week     
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distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2024 02:59PM  
High of 50 low 35 every night next week, in Ely time to unpack the bug spray and repack along underwear
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05/17/2024 03:11PM  
Going in next week.
distinguished member (333)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2024 04:56PM  
You realize you have just guaranteed a freak snowstorm. Karma.
05/18/2024 06:24AM  
We are heading up on Monday. Looks like we’ll be wearing long John’s and rain gear together. Not sure which is better- bugs or cold & rain.
05/18/2024 09:40AM  
Black flies getting bad around Ely now
05/18/2024 10:23AM  
LindenTree: "Going in next week."

Me too. It should be interesting!
member (42)member
05/18/2024 01:08PM  
I have a permit for Tuesday, really reconsidering going which is not like me. 1.5 inches of rain in two days. Lows of 36 high mid 50s. Idk what to do.
05/18/2024 09:28PM  
TaylorRN: "I have a permit for Tuesday, really reconsidering going which is not like me. 1.5 inches of rain in two days. Lows of 36 high mid 50s. Idk what to do."

We are still going up on Monday and hoping for the best. Can’t change flights or work schedules. It will be an adventure, just hoping to survive going into Tuscarora!
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Canoe Country