BWCA Granite Gear Pack SOLD Boundary Waters Items For Sale or Wanted
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Items For Sale or Wanted
      Granite Gear Pack SOLD     



distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/22/2024 10:17AM  
Bought this at a yard sale. Very nice pack. Decided I have just gotta stop going to garage/yard sales. I have no self control. Don't really need it. Have dreams of big family trips, but don't think it's really gonna happen
Thought it was quetico. But, because it's Blu I now think it's marketed as Women's larger portage pack. Just looking to get my money back. It's worth more but because I know you're good people I'll let it go for 100 dollars. sold!
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05/22/2024 12:11PM  
Just emailed you. Thanks.
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