BWCA Tossed and Found Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Tossed and Found     
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distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 10:00AM  
Not Lost and found, but a list of the crap that I found on my trip last week That due to its placement or location was most likely not dropped accidentally

empty naglene water bottle
Carhart sweatshirt
crazy Creek Canoe chair
diet Coke can
Powerade bottle
multiple wrappers

2 gallon aluminum stock pot with lid
Unopened 1 gallon bottle of almond oil
14 inch lodge cast-iron fry pan
One pencil
Three pieces of rope 10 to 15 feet long
Two Ziploc bags
Multiple wrappers from protein bars
Styrofoam container with nightcrawlers
unopened Package of preserved shad
Metal spatula
Metal cooking spoon
bag of fish breading

all on portages and one campsite
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distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 10:25AM  
Though I believe you, it's almost unbelievable...and how people can be so reckless, unaware, and possess a "don't give a shit" attitude. The free beauty of the wilderness is so often compromised by the lowest common denominator of humanity, and your experience is proof of that.

distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 10:39AM  

Thanks for cleaning that up.

How was the cast-iron pan, still usable? That's a big-damn sized skillet to be lugging around.
05/28/2024 10:58AM  
Last year I found someone's entire supply of toilet paper at the latrine. Must have made for an interesting rest of their trip.
member (25)member
05/28/2024 11:21AM  
People are terrible.Litter anywhere pisses me off more than anything else.But…….I did get a brand new free Columbia Windbreaker 2 yrs ago up on Crooked lake that my wife or daughter wear occasionally,lol
05/28/2024 05:35PM  
Sounds like Cabelas Bargain Cave....thanks for picking up
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 05:38PM  
I've never been, but it reminds me of my son's stories of events like We-fest, or whatever type of tent/music festival. When the weekend is over, people just abandon the tents and gear like it was disposable. It's awful. I see the same mentality at sporting events. People just leave their garbage in the isles. I don't know why so many people are pigs. It probably has something to do with lack of dual parent households, or both parents working, leading to a lack of discipline. Hard to say, but it's really sad.
senior member (67)senior membersenior member
05/28/2024 06:20PM  
nooneuno: "due to its placement or location was most likely not dropped accidentally"

You seriously think most of this stuff was NOT dropped by accident on the portage trail? I can believe dropping trash, but purposely tossing good gear seems hard to belive.
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 08:04PM  
WesternHills: "
nooneuno: "due to its placement or location was most likely not dropped accidentally"

You seriously think most of this stuff was NOT dropped by accident on the portage trail? I can believe dropping trash, but purposely tossing good gear seems hard to belive."

dropping something on a portage trail is just that, three or four feet off trail is a different kettle of fish
distinguished member (279)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 08:56PM  
You would be amazed at the things I see abandoned on public land around where I live. And I'm talking outdoors equipment that people intentionally brought into the woods and then left there, not just junk being dumped. Tree stands, chairs, ground blinds, trail cameras (obviously abandoned since the straps were growing into the tree). It's incredible how lazy some people are. Apparently the effort of going back to retrieve the item isn't worth the cost of it to them.
05/28/2024 10:03PM  
I'm impressed you had something large enough to carry all that stuff back! Job well done.
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 10:33PM  
NEIowapaddler: "You would be amazed at the things I see abandoned on public land around where I live. And I'm talking outdoors equipment that people intentionally brought into the woods and then left there, not just junk being dumped. Tree stands, chairs, ground blinds, trail cameras (obviously abandoned since the straps were growing into the tree). It's incredible how lazy some people are. Apparently the effort of going back to retrieve the item isn't worth the cost of it to them. "

That actually brings up a good point about trail cameras. Sometimes no one knows where my trail cameras are except me. If I die, they would just sit there indefinitely.
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Cliff Wold's Outfitting Co.