BWCA Permit issuing fee? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Permit issuing fee?     
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member (23)member
06/24/2024 12:45PM  
I've always picked up my permit at Duluth Pack. Last week when I went to go pick up a permit, they had a couple dollar permit issuing fee which is something they never had before.

Does anyone know if this is across the board for all permit issuing stations or something only Duluth Pack is doing?
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06/24/2024 12:54PM  
It is allowed. most cooperators chose to not do it for various reasons. but i have known the fee to be charged if someone is just picking up a permit, not renting any gear or being completely outfitted. was it just $2 or $3?
distinguished member (280)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/24/2024 08:50PM  
When I picked up my permit at Sawtooth outfitters in Tofte they charged me $2 for it. I don't have a problem with them charging a couple bucks if the person isn't buying or renting any other gear, which I wasn't.
06/26/2024 08:11AM  
It’s pretty common if you are just getting a permit and not using their outfitting services. Or some charge it if you don’t fully outfit.

It isn’t across the board but it’s common.

I have no issue with it, usually I picked that outfitter out of convenience…I roll in the night before after the FS has closed and they still issue the permit—thus I get an earlier start. They could probably charge me a lot more for that convenience :)

It’s easy to avoid though just pick a FS center to issue the permit.

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