BWCA Ski Trail Fire near Burntside Lake Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      Ski Trail Fire near Burntside Lake     
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09/12/2024 08:36PM  
Now there's a fire that popped up on the North Arm of Burntside Lake…


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09/12/2024 08:51PM  
Not good.
distinguished member (107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2024 08:45AM  
As of now about 2 acres in size. The location is more in the North Arm Road and Echo trail area. Forest Service was dropping water on it.
09/13/2024 12:00PM  
I believe this fire is right where the ski trails are located. To the east and South of Slim Lake, I believe.

distinguished member (200)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2024 01:05PM  
Thank you for posting.
09/14/2024 07:46AM  
GopherAdventure: "I believe this fire is right where the ski trails are located. To the east and South of Slim Lake, I believe.


Different ski trails. Fire is at junction of North Arm Road and Echo Trail on the west side of the Echo and North side of the North Arm Road.
distinguished member (107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/14/2024 08:38AM  
This fire has been knocked down to less than 1 acre and is being mopped up.
09/14/2024 05:51PM  
Copied from my peeps and MINICS. .8 acres, fire name is Ski Trail fire.

09.13.2025–10:45 a.m. —Ski Trail Fire Update. Firefighters began mop-up work this morning on the Ski Trail Fire located near Ely, MN along the North Arm Road and Echo Trail. The fire area is less than an acre.
Minnesota DNR and Superior National Forest firefighters are on site continuing mop-up with assistance from the Morse-Fall Lake Fire Department. Crews will monitor the area for the next several days.
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Seagull Outfitters