BWCA Beartrap river, Sundial PMA Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Beartrap river, Sundial PMA     
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12/01/2024 08:22AM  
Starting to plan a trip for mid to late summer of 2025, I and was wondering if any one might have some info on the Bear trap river? I am trying to plan a circular route leaving EP #23 and continuing through Basswood falls, continuing to Iron Lake, Then turning south into Jackfish bay to pick up the Beartrap river. Thinking of staying at Sunday Lake in the PMA, (with PMA permit), then heading upstream to the confluence of Spring creek, turning east to follow Beartrap, then staying on Beartrap lake. I was wondering if any body knows the condition of Beartrap river portages? In Particular, The condition of the two long portages, The one on the river, and the portage from the river to lake? Also the River itself, as of late this year, (late being as of 9/24 or later)? I will be traveling with a somewhat inexperienced person. Any good advice is appreciated. Thanks
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distinguished member(767)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/01/2024 01:09PM  
distinguished member (256)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/01/2024 02:02PM  
Greetings and welcome,
There is a relevant post just below yours by dogwoodgirl, "Mudro/Sunday loop planning" with lots of information including references to members' trip reports. Those should be a good start and lead to more resources on these boards. Good luck!
12/01/2024 05:55PM  
It's an 11 portage romp, if I remember correctly. There are 7 from Iron through Sunday to the turn off towards Beatrap, then 4 more to actually get to Beartrap lake. Someone (Portage Keeper?) used to take a crew in there and keep the portages open. Reeds and grass may block your exit south out of Sunday. I was solo and just hopped out of my boat to push my way through. Remember to.pick up a permit with the USFS for Sunday-- but you probably knew that already. Enjoy! It's a fun route :)
12/01/2024 10:30PM  
Look at this trip report - day 3
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