BWCA Big snow up north Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Big snow up north     



12/04/2024 11:26AM  
Cook County Webcams

Lots of snow!!! And open water.
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12/04/2024 12:58PM  
For sure.....and we'll have open water on the big lake most if not all of the winter. Looks like Gunflint Lake is still open too. Very windy with light snow in Duluth today.
distinguished member (211)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2024 06:37PM  
We had some serious blowing snow in Ely today. Very wintery.
12/04/2024 06:50PM  
Thanks for the view cam sites.
distinguished member (487)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2024 07:11PM  
We had to travel recently, and returning through MN Monday we saw people ice fishing, with ATVs, on a lake in Richmond, MN (kind of by St. Cloud). I was shocked as we still have a great deal of open water here ('up north').
12/05/2024 03:46AM  
Ice in on Big/deep lakes Up North are on avg still not iced in yet. Not as much data as ice out--- but Gunflint (6 reports) still has 4 days to go (Dec 9th-- and decent mix of years)--- big warmup coming till about the 16-19th time frame.
Some (not me yet) in the field are talking way cold Jan Up North and the Lakes. Way interesting weather starting around mid/late month -- just do not know if it's one way or the other. Other than this thread's op weather system-- weather been pretty quiet outside the lake effect here in the Heartland and Up North.

12/05/2024 04:22AM  
there is a thing called the "LRC" (Lezak recurring cycle) -- one can Google it and come with your own conclusions. I'am a bit cautious with it and not sold on it-- but if the current LRC is around 50-55 days-- this current (yday) system should roll around about climo coldest time of the year. Just something I thought I would share. If so-- would be some epic weather for many reading .

distinguished member (487)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/05/2024 11:37AM  
St. Louis County (MN) Rescue Squad made a good FB post about the ice quality this time of year. I will try to paste the verbiage, likely not the photo:
Ice rescue training at 6F with a minus-20 wind chill. North Pete holds a superb example of “spring ice,” also called “rotten,” “dirty,” or “black” ice, harvested from Embarrass Lake. The ice has been partially thawed and refrozen, disrupting the crystalline matrix and weakening it badly. Good “autumn” ice talks to you before it fails, while spring ice fails without warning. This piece is 4.5 inches (11.25 cm), but we had no trouble breaking through it. It was a very good night! (Slatto photo)

Good reminder that ice depth isn't the only consideration!
12/05/2024 11:41AM  
Bad time of year for dogs and thin ice… and those who might rescue them. Looking at my home cam, the snow is starting to accumulate… something that it struggled to do last year.

Everyone stay warm up in Minnie snowta… Down by Yuma, we have like three feet of sun I gotta go shovel. It just keeps piling up! Did get to see the spaceX taking off last night.

12/05/2024 02:59PM  
Ben... you are too funny.
12/05/2024 05:05PM  
nctry: "Bad time of year for dogs and thin ice… and those who might rescue them. Looking at my home cam, the snow is starting to accumulate… something that it struggled to do last year.

Everyone stay warm up in Minnie snowta… Down by Yuma, we have like three feet of sun I gotta go shovel. It just keeps piling up! Did get to see the spaceX taking off last night.


Don't get sunburned.
12/06/2024 08:25AM  
Mocha: "Ben... you are too funny."

I know. You should read his text messages :) :)
12/07/2024 05:49PM  
Talking 9-12 inches of snow Sunday for Finland and Grand Marais area.
distinguished member(1398)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/10/2024 08:46AM  
We were on Sundew Pond December 4-8. Very cold and wintery on the 4th and 5th...the 6th (my 60th birthday) was spent, in part, walking the Angleworm Portage. The woods were beautiful with snow laden trees and a moderate temperature for walking. The 7th was quite warm for December in the northwoods.

I'm a bit bummed that I missed the big storm and snow dump. Nothing like a winter storm in a snug cabin, playing cards by the fire, or taking a nap.

12/10/2024 03:29PM  
Pinetree: "Talking 9-12 inches of snow Sunday for Finland and Grand Marais area."

Hope we get some in Duluth, we only have 3 inches of hard stuff now.
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